WARMER MIXTAPES #10 | by Jakob Larsed, Joel Nyström and Philip Almqvist (Zeila) of Endiamonds and Archipelago
1. The Beach Boys | Feel Flows by Joel
Begins the most impressive of song-streaks within an album, that is the five last songs of Beach Boys' Surf's Up. It always lures you in to a place you didn't think existed. The lyrics for this song will never be exceeded.
2. LCD Soundsystem | Someone Great by Joel
One of those songs that you love the moment you turn it on for the first time. The bass-line, the melodies, the composure; it's simplicity at its best. It's the song you think you could've written, and since it's already made into perfection by someone other than yourself, the experience of listening to it always becomes sort of bittersweet.
3. Sébastien Tellier | La Ritournelle by Joel
Being the coolest man on earth seems to have given Sébastien Tellier the power to make you feel as if it was in his hands to adjust the velocity by which the planet spins around its shoulder. Be sure to listen to the original version and you will indeed feel the magic in this perfect set of piano-chords.
4. The Avalanches | Since I Left You by Jakob
The Avalanches are said to have thrown away over a hundred songs since the arrival of their, so far, only album. If any of those songs were as good as this one, that should be enough to have them executed.
5. Avner | Ljuset by Jakob
Just when you think that you've been amazed by Ljuset for the last time, it all comes back to you, surprising you. Like an ancient tale speaking of time and space and light. The greatest piece of swedish music ever.
6. Daft Punk | One More Time by Jakob
Discovery is among the greatest albums that we know of. And One More Time is its brightest shining star.
7. The Shins | Saint Simon by Philip
It's the definition of pure beauty. Mercer's lyrics send you right into the forest where the flowers and trees all are members of the choir, reaching an out-of-this-world crescendo in the absolutely breathtaking outro.
8. The Radio Dept. | Strange Things Will Happen by Philip
A few years ago, before we had found out what to do with ourselves (now we know that we're doomed anyway) we would sit up late just listening to and performing this song. We just liked it so much, it was the same thrill to play it everyday. And eventually we started rewriting stuff in it, and came up with new ways of phrasing the lines and maybe that's what, later on, gave us inspiration for what we're doing now.
9. The Soundtrack Of Our Lives | Instant Repeater '99 by Philip
Apart from Karin Dreijer's singing performance in Heartbeats, Ebbot Lundberg's ditto in this song breeds the highest level of jealousy that one can find on the market. It may very well be so that his voice is the chosen one. There are few things in life that can bring you greater joy than when you're walking down the street - April just about to turn to May - and you've got Instant Repeater '99 in your headphones.
10. Air | La Femme D'Argent by Endiamonds
Probably the greatest bass-line of all times.