WARMER MIXTAPES #30 | by Patrick Whiddon of The Brightside Suicides
1. The Beatles | Two Of Us
The Beatles were the first introduction to music I had as a child, and this song just brings me back to such a great time in my life. The harmonies are fantastic, the bassline just grooves, and the song is just incredible to me. It's my favorite song off of Let It Be.
2. Simon & Garfunkel | Cecilia
No song makes me happier than this song. I can be in a terrible mood, and this song just puts me in the right place. I don't really know why in particular. I love the end when he sings Jubilation, she loves me again. It's my prozac, so to speak.
3. Devendra Banhart | At The Hop
The lyrics to this song touch me me beyond belief. It's a great love song or that song that you hope will bring them back to you. Which, of course, usually doesn't happen, but it's great to have songs like this for hope. It certainly helped me, at least I think it did, at a time when music was all I had.
4. MewithoutYou | Silencer
It's my favorite MewithoutYou song, I dig the aggression and the passion in his voice. You believe everything he has to say, and you can feel the loss in this song. I really love a vocalist who can touch me not only with words, but with the voice as well. This song captures both of those for me.
5. Okkervil River | Red
Amazing lyrics, and the melody is superb. I first heard this song only about a year ago or so, and just fell in love with it. I can listen to it over and over, and it still has the same power over me. Will Sheff is a fantastic song writer, and he's awesome at putting himself into a character in his songs. This song is a good example of that.
6. Modest Mouse | Life Like Weeds
They are one of my favorite bands, so it was hard for me to choose their best song, but this particular song stands out to me. It's a gorgeous track in every way to me. Isaac Brock is at his best in this one. I can put on the Moon & Antarctica album and just get lost in it. This song being the climax of the album to me, it really brings it all together.
7. Nirvana | Lounge Act
The most underrated Nirvana song in my opinion. The lyrics are Kurt at his best...Nirvana was my favorite band growing up, and they changed the way I thought about music entirely. I probably would be a different person now, had I never heard them. Their music just took me to a place that I had never been, and Kurt's voice touched me like no one else had before. This song captures all of that for me.
8. Neutral Milk Hotel | Naomi
A gorgeous song. The first time I heard this song, I was in college, and had gotten into In The Aeroplane Over the Sea" already, but had yet to hear "On Avery Island." "Naomi" hit home with me, and it was introduced to me by a girl I was seeing at the time. She put it on a mix tape that she made for me, and I can always thank her for that.
9. Bob Dylan | If Not For You
I prefer the George Harrison version better than Dylan's just due to the melody and vocals on Harrison's cover. This song, in my humble opinion, is the best love song I've heard. I enjoy everything about it, and it's one of those songs that just makes me feel incredible. Bob Dylan has always been one of my favorite artists, and The Beatles are my favorite band, so when the two are combined in a song, I certainly fall for it.
10. Blind Melon | Change
When I first heard Change I was completely blown away. I got this album when my brother worked at a record store when I was in middle school. I wasn't crazy about the album at the time, but even at that age, this song grabbed a hold on me...One of my favorite lines from any song is the line keep on dreaming boy, cause when you stop dreaming it's time to die. It was one of my favorite songs then, and years later it's still one of the best songs I've heard.