WARMER MIXTAPES #49 | by Andrew Diver of Soda Shop and Horse Shoes
1. The Field Mice | I Can See Myself Alone Forever
What person doesn't feel this way from time to time? Love is very complex and Bobby Wratten is great at helping you cope with it.
2. The Smiths | Accept Yourself
This band changed my life (whose life hasn’t The Smiths changed in some way?). I love everything about this song...It is impossible not to turn your head and listen closely when Morrissey opens with Every day you must say, So how do I feel about my life?.
3. Blueboy | To Good To Be True
I can put their entire catalogue on shuffle and never grow tired.

4. Blur | No Distance Left To Run
The ultimate farewell song. Somehow a beautiful pop song that still manages to unorthodoxly encompass an aspect of blues. And, let's not forget Albarn's beautiful voice.
5. Starflyer 59 | Housewife Love Song
This band always gives me a warm & fuzzy feeling inside. I remember when I first discovered Starflyer 59...I was overwhelmed! I thought, This is it! This is the sound I’ve been looking for!. This is the first song of theirs I heard and so I thought it was worthy of being chosen.
6. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart | Falling Over
A more recent obsession. This song just blows my mind.

7. The Smashing Pumpkins | 1979
The first band I fell in love with and was just downright obsessed with. They are the reason I picked up drum sticks, and later, the guitar. I saw a performance of theirs on television when I was young and thought This is it! This is what I want to be when I grow up!. They have a sound and presence no one can emulate. Well, at least The Smashing Pumpkins used to. But, that’s a different conversation altogether.
8. The Cranberries | Salvation
I was obsessed with The Cranberries at a very early age in my life. Dolores O'Riordan’s voice always sent chills up my spine!
9. Boat Club | Warmer Climes
What can I say, this was the band that pulled me into the Swedish pop scene in early 2008. I played Caught The Breeze over & over & over....
10. The Embassy | Some Indulgence
The whole album Tacking was phenomenal...This was my first favorite song from The Embassy. I loved every single song on Tacking. I played it so much a friend ejected it from my car stereo and said, Enough! Don’t you have any other CD’s?!