Facts & Figures | with Ryan Kennedy of Rikers
Warmer Climes: Define Sea Legs.
Ryan Kennedy: Sea Legs is about finally getting comfortable with a situation only to have it taken away from you. The term is widely used to represent the idea that a person is comfortable at sea, but I've taken that idea and put it on land. I went through something I was having trouble adjusting to, then just as I was OK with it, it dissappeared.
Warmer Climes: What’s missing in your life?
Ryan Kennedy: Not much. I'm a lucky guy, might sound cliched but everytime I seriously try to complain I sound like an ass. I've got it pretty good.
Warmer Climes: When are you at your happiest?
Ryan Kennedy: When I'm writing songs, playing live or hanging out with my dog.
Warmer Climes: What’s your fondest memory?
Ryan Kennedy: Well it's hard to seperate professional memories and personal ones but musically speaking I've been fortunate to play some great shows and play with some great people so it's hard to pick just one. I've always thought the best part of being in a band is the feeling of being in a gang so I'd say the people I've played with have given me the best memories. Nothing specific just a bunch of stupid/awesome moments that add up to a special experience. This already sounds like a Hallmark card. Fuck. My fondest personal memory is probably surprising my father on a special day for him by coming home from a year in Japan early to be there for his event. No one had any idea I was coming home. It was nice. There are probably others I'm forgetting but that one was hard to top.