Facts & Figures | with Fredrick Carlsson

Warmer Climes: What scares you the most?

Fredrick Carlsson
The idea of us atheists being correct. Blank cold blackness of nothing really truly scares me. I'd rather reincarnate forever and ever and ever, or live in some happy ethereal utopia. SOMETHING, goddamnit, I need something for my earthly troubles. Some kind of comfort.

Warmer Climes: How come only honey survives the future?

Fredrick Carlsson
It's apparently the only kind of food that doesn't go bad. You can keep honey for millions of years, I guess. If only everything were like honey...

Warmer Climes: Which are the beautifulest girl/boy names?

Fredrick Carlsson
Ico and Jorda. Both unisex names.

Warmer Climes: What makes you happy?

Fredrick Carlsson
Waking up and realizing that all the scary shit I've dreamt just wasn't real. That a new wonderful, beautiful, day awaits.

Warmer Climes: Define your Warmer Climes.

Fredrick Carlsson
Sitting in The Sun on my balcony, shirtless, drinking a cold Becks and listening to Studio.

Warmer Climes: When in life have you felt most alone?

Fredrick Carlsson
I don't know really, perhaps when I got dumped the first time. I don't know. I don't really feel alone that much.

Warmer Climes: What does your honey future hold?

Fredrick Carlsson
Better music, better weather, more friends, more travelling!

Warmer Climes: How would you describe yourself?

Fredrick Carlsson
Outward reaching introvert with a taste for the music I can't recreate.

Warmer Climes: What is your earliest memory?

Fredrick Carlsson
Falling of my bike as a kid. Scarring my left cheek. Blood everywhere!

Warmer Climes: Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

Fredrick Carlsson
My granddad. Father's father. An awesome and renowned jazz musician with a wonderful view on life and a great neverending humor. He celebrates his 80th birthday today.