Facts & Figures | with Marcus Joons of Korallreven
Warmer Climes: The Truest Faith is about...
Marcus Joons: The love of my life and the life of my love.
Warmer Climes: Are you selfish or selfless?
Marcus Joons: Selfish, I hope. You have to take care of yourself to be able to take care of others. I love being alone. Cause it feels like I’m never alone. We have fun, me and my soul.
Warmer Climes: I saw that new t-shirt on Acéphale...Looks like a Stone Roses one. Why feathers instead of money around the neck?
Marcus Joons: Maybe it is a coincidence. Maybe not. Whether or not, I think that Ian Brown were magic as long as he wore that oversized money shirt. When he took it off, all the magic was gone.
Warmer Climes: I once read on Service that Korallreven means you and Johan of The Radio Dept. Now I see Daniel of the same band mentioned. So, now it's you and...?
Marcus Joons: Daniel.
Warmer Climes: What's the absolute best thing you've learned about life?
Marcus Joons: That it is shorter than ever.
Warmer Climes: What is one thing that many people don't know about you?
Marcus Joons: That I'm as fucked-up as you and everyone else.
Warmer Climes: Describe your best trip.
Marcus Joons: When I went to Samoa. It’s like a Jamaica in the South Pacific. So raw and beautiful, like another world.
Warmer Climes: What is the most interesting city to visit in Sweden?
Marcus Joons: Oh, I don’t know. Haven’t been to Sweden since January. And when I am away I use to romantisice the Swedish countryside outside of Gothenburg where I grew up and where my family still lives. It’s so stupid. Cause every time I go back I get dissapointed. Cause it’s not as Barnen i Bullerbyn-pretty as it was when I was six years old.
Warmer Climes: What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?
Marcus Joons: Samoa.
Warmer Climes: How would your life change if you could do TV commercials?
Marcus Joons: I think our tunes would be perfect for a strawberry smoothie commercial, don’t you think? And hopefully it would give me more numbers before the comma on my bank account.
Warmer Climes: Do you prefer a calm sea or do you prefer big waves?
Marcus Joons: I prefer perfect waves. Like the ones that I use to try to think of crashing into land when I had nightmares as a child and couldn’t sleep. This was my way of counting sheeps. How chillout!
Warmer Climes: Have you ever been night-swimming?
Marcus Joons: Yes, many times. Even though I can’t remember any specific one. I am so history-less.
Warmer Climes: Are we becoming a society where we all want instant satisfaction?
Marcus Joons: Maybe, and why not? I’m not hundred percent sure, but I think that I rather would chose instant satisfaction than instant dissatisfaction.
Warmer Climes: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Marcus Joons: Football player. I wanted to be the new Matthew Le Tissier. Or Ilie Dumitrescu.
Warmer Climes: Who is your favorite composer?
Marcus Joons: Victoria Bergsman. And God. Have you ever been thinking of what fantastic things he composed back in the days? Like light, shoegaze and smoothies.
Warmer Climes: Tell me about something you believe in.
Marcus Joons: The here and now. It looks brighter and brighter.