WARMER MIXTAPES #221 | by Arthur Ashin [Autre Ne Veut]
1. Marvin Gaye | Third World Girl
This song is one of the all-time great grooves. Off Midnight Love. He's just riffing, then overdubs. Brilliant and broken.
2. Étoile De Dakar | Thiely
An old roommate left an unmarked CD-R behind and this was the opening track. I was in shock.
3. Stevie Wonder | Creepin'
More proof that Stevie's a freak.
4. Whitney Houston | So Emotional
As good an example as any of Whitney's unparalleled combination of vocal chops and almost-inhuman restraint.
5. Kate Bush | Houdini
Fairly certain that this song describes the sexual euphoria that women experience while giving birth. I don't understand it, but I've been assured that it's a very real and very complicated feeling.
6. Holger Czukay | Persian Love
On par with Touch Of Grey for feelgood factor. And frankly, I don't know what either song is about.
7. Nancy Nova | The Force
Heard this for the first time recently; a Disney-witch sound for the dance floor. Just dark enough.
8. Lubomyr Melnyk | Niche/Nourish/Niche-Xon, Part 1
Was introduced to him last fall in concert with Blue Gene Tyranny. Recordings don't come close to the live experience. The slight delay between the piano and the PA didn't hurt a bit.
9. Lime | Babe, We're Gonna Love Tonight
Found this track on a budget-label disco compilation CD during the Tower Records liquidation sale.
10. Erasure | Always
Those measures in the hook are in 5/4. It really is the little things.