WARMER MIXTAPES #227 | by Joseph Zucco [Teenage Reverb/Jezus Million]
1. Drink To Me | Small Town
I've been listening to these guys a lot lately. They've got a killer sound and this song just hits home quite literally I guess, because I live in a small town.
2. Roberto Cacciapaglia | My Time
This track is ahead of its time. The lyrics are so sweet and the instrumentation is something else.
3. Wavves | Green Eyes
So catchy. The whole record is just phenomenal.
4. Zola Jesus | Night
I adore the lyrics. The arrangement is so simple but her words overpower the song itself.
5. The Beach Boys | I'm Waiting For The Day
Pet Sounds doesn't bring me back to endless summers, surprisingly. When I have a lot on my mind I'll listen to this album for hours on end.
6. Deerhunter | Vox Celeste
One of my favorite Deerhunter songs. It has such a nostalgic feel and is good sonic inspiration for me. Any Deerhunter track is just sentimental to me. They are currently helping me cope with the strains of high school.
7. Beach Fossils | Vacation
Although this song is about getting out of the city, it gets me psyched to move to the city in a couple of years. I have fallen in love with the city of New York since visiting.
8. Evenings | Friend [Lover]
The perfect nighttime music for me. I can't wait to see how North Dorm will help get me through homework assignments this year. The vinyl distortion plus his elaborate beats are just so soothing.
9. Gauntlet Hair | All Eyes
I am madly in love with Gauntlet Hair. I listened to them everyday when I was in Vermont early this summer.
10. Drake | Up All Night (feat. Nicki Minaj)
This song flows so well. Thank Me Later is an amazing record.