WARMER MIXTAPES #241 | by Philip Söderlind, Anton Ahlqvist, Frida Blom and Rikard Hjort of WESTKUST
SIDE A | by Philip Söderlind
1. Franke | Ensamhetens Anlete Samt Adress
Another fantastic band from home of music filled angst worry; Gothenburg. I've loved them ever since Andreas (Palle) from Makthaverskan introduced me to them two years ago. At this point in my life I had kind of tough time, worrying a lot about what was going to become of after school. Franke became another soundtrack of my life.
2. The Embassy | Information
One of the best summer-songs ever made! Really raped this one in my stereo last summer with my friend Simon. And what a summer it was! Information makes me think of warm summer days, me and my best friends drinking a couple of cold beers in a beautiful park somewhere in Gothenburg and life feels quite relaxed for the moment.
3. Joy Division | Disorder
LOL. I know it's incredibily lame of me by choosing this song. Seems to be on everyones mixtape, but what can I say?... Best song ever made! Fuck how I love post-punk bass lines. Peter Hook was fucking God!
4. The Seeds | Mr. Farmer
Every song on The Seeds album The Seeds just makes me want to take a bit of LSD, trip back in time to the 60's and never come back!
5. My Bloody Valentine | Soon
#1 favorite band, absolutley! At first I was actually going to choose something from You Made Me Realise EP wish is the best collection of music ever made... But there is something special about Soon. The word natural high is just for silly hippies in my opinion, but if there really was something called natural high... This would be the song that really makes me trip balls!
6. Six Ft. Ditch | Six Feet Deep
WOW! Isn't this a really combo-breaker? Murdercore! I used to be a big fan of hardcore and such... It helped a lot to deal with the struggle of all my hate and anger which I had at the time and still has.
7. Ol' Dirty Bastard | Brooklyn Zoo
This is just getting rawer and rawer... I like it raw! Infact I love it! Almost as much ODB himself (Shimmy Shimmy Ya)... ODB, the dirtiest and rawest rapper ever from the best hiphop group ever, Wu-Tang Clan!
8. The Brian Jonestown Massacre | Anemone
Been listening to this song on repeat for like two week. How cool can a song get?! Lou Reed's The Gun can almost compete with it!
9. Broder Daniel | Lovesick (Demo version from 1993)
Been a fan of BD since I was like 13 years old! I was actully going to choose No Time For Us or The Middleclass, but I seriously find it really hard for me to listen to those songs... It just makes so sad. Lovesick is one of the few songs of Broder Daniel that makes me happy! Like so many another teenagers they have meant so incredibily much for me! Another soundtrack to my life!
10. The Shadows | Wonderful Land
Land, water, seas, vallies, mountains, lakes and fields...
+11. Makthaverskan | It's You And It's I
Yet another fantastic and dark band from Gothenburg, good friends too! Maja may have one of the most beatiful voices I've ever heard! And Hugo... A FUCKING MUSICAL GENIUS!

SIDE B | by Anton Ahlqvist
1. Sonic Youth | Kool Thing
Picking only one Sonic Youth song of their incredible discography is hard. Kool Thing was the first I heard, but I could have picked any of their songs. Sonic Youth is the best active band in my opinion; you always find something new in the noise-chaos. Kim Gordon is by far the coolest bass player ever.
2. The Cure | A Forest
This is the perfect soundtrack to a dream.
3. Bloc Party | Price Of Gas
The best intro ever made.
4. The Knife | Heartbeats
Before hearing The Knife I was really skeptical to everything that didn’t come from either guitar, bass or drums. Heartbeats changed it all.
5. Nirvana | Negative Creep
To me Nirvana became the beginning of something new. Discovering their first studio album Bleach, I realized music could be more than happy choruses and love-filled lyrics. Nirvana was the miserable, completely uncensored reality, and no song defines that like Negative Creep.
6. Sparta | Glasshouse Tarot
This song actually works as my favorite lullaby, without the silliness. I can’t describe it but the guitar makes me calm and relaxed, and I don’t easily get relaxed.
7. Rage Against The Machine | Know Your Enemy
Brutal, society criticizing lyrics and a legendary guitar solo, Know Your Enemy has both! At least I can’t sit still.
8. The Mars Volta | Cicatriz ESP
Mars Volta is quite unique. Beautiful metaphors mixed with accurate guitar riffs, hiding a mystic agony. Turning on De-Loused In The Comatorium is like traveling through a surrealistic dream.
9. The Distillers | Death Sex
This is the ultimate, raw voice of agony and pain. Despite the simplicity, Brody captures you, and she won’t let go.
10. At The Drive-In | Heliotrope
This song makes me feel like I can do anything. Even when sick or tired the pure energy cheers me up.

SIDE C | by Frida Blom
1. The Smashing Pumpkins | Behold! The Night Mare
When I was 11 years old, I borrowed a cd from my sisters boyfriend. The CD was Siamese Dream - Smashing Pumpkins. Since then I've always defined them as the best band in the world! This song reminds me of an autumn a couple of years ago, when I had a hard time finding myself. And even though it may sound like a really bad memory, I kinda love the nostalgic feeling I get every time I listen to it - AND of course it's also a wonderful, wonderful song!
2. Laura Marling | The Captain And The Hourglass
Last year, I had this horrible vocational training place at an advertising agency that was located VERY far away from my hometown. Every morning on the bus this track stayed on repeat on my iPod, and I remember floating away in dreams - picturing this poor little captain and his wife. When I hear this song I always think about how precious life is, and how we must all learn to see the value in our everyday lives, even if we feel like shit sometimes.
3. The Radio Dept. | Strange Things Will Happen
AHH! This is such a beautiful song... The lyrics, the atmosphere, everything. I really don't know what else there is to say about it... Or wait, maybe I do know; If you listen to this song when you're feeling like you're the loneliest person in the world, you can feel the hope pounding through your veins again! Because it's true: those who dare to trust their feelings will simply feel that... Strange things will happen, if you let them come around and stick around!
4. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros | Home
Long warm summernights, my best friend's laughter and her long blonde hair, her amazing stories and her amazing MIXTAPES!!!! as simple as that.
5. Shout Out Louds | Very Loud
I've had the opportunity to dance to this wonderful song live twice this summer. I think there's two particular reasons why I really love it: 1. This is like the soundtrack to my life?! It describes that little devil in me that has fucked up some of my relationships with other people, and I found comfort in not being the only one feeling like that. 2. His voice!!!
6. Jesper Norda | Let's Go To A Place Infected With Truth And Resist With All Of Our Hearts
The title and the chorus of this song is so beautiful! It makes me wanna run away with somebody lovely to another city and explore everything that's worth exploring. Makes me wanna sleep with my legs tangled in another pair of legs, kissing cheeks and tell everybody that means something that I love, and need them.
7. Explosions In The Sky | Catastrophe And The Cure
It's difficult to choose my favourite song by this band... Every single one of their songs brings out so many emotions in me. But this one - like there's an ocean outside my window, waves that slowly wants to crush into my bed and wash it all away. And at the same time - finding calm in these waves, and peace in following them.
8. Radiohead | Thinking About You
A masterpiece.
9. The Distillers | The Blackest Years
This song makes me think of spring, sitting in a car with the best of friends and just breathing life for the first time in years - and enjoy it!
10. Noah And The Whale | The First Days Of Spring
Kinda funny that I DON'T think of spring while listening to this one, despite the title. It makes me reflect about the fact that we spend so much time in our life waiting for things to happen. Lately I've realized that you CAN change things in life yourself, and that you can't just wait all day for things to happen. YOU have to do something to make things happen. There is no right or wrong time, there is only YOU and your choices. Learn to deal with it (or just listen to Noah And The Whale).

SIDE D | by Rikard Hjort
1. Bob Dylan | I Want You
That album. Fuck me...
2. Tom Waits | Tango Til' They're Sore
I'm the kind of guy who sings songs to my friend when we're stumbling home wether they want me to or not. This song is my favorite at such times. Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair! Also, world's best intro.
3. Bright Eyes | Lua
How come every time I hear this song I soon find myself lying on the floor? Or notice that I've put my head on someone else's shoulder? Or that I have been kissing someone while crying? Or all of them? Always while wispering along with the lyrics. Have you ever heard anything hurt this much? I know that it is freezing but I think we have to walk...
4. Håkan Hellström | Sång I Buss På Villovägar 2007
Whoo-ooh for my apache princess, you keep my Rain Man heart alive.
5. Jaymay | Gray Or Blue
I feel so helpless now, my guitar is not around... This song has got me through five crushes, given me two, and supported me through my whole current relationship. Who needs a best friend? - the album Autumn Fallin' is one of the few things that I've kept close to my heart since I was 16.
6. The Cure | In Between Days
If you need to feel sad (I believe one should every once in a while) but you got nothing to cry about, The Cure can help out. I use this song to break my heart over the fact that anyone I currently love most probably will leave me, or be left by me.
7. Sea Bear | I Sing I Swim
Seriously the ultimate missing song! It sings me to bittersweet sleep on those nights when my girlfriend get off work too late to be able to come over and I realize I'm going to have to give up my expectations of warmth and touch.
8. Joy Division | Disorder
For every self declared nihilist, artist, misfit, free-thinker or cheating drinker who hates his brain from time to time for being too darn odd. For those who still are kids looking at the world, wondering how to behave. When someone asks you what the hell is wrong with you, put this song on and tell them to shut up. Won't do them any good, but who needs them?
9. The Blam | 8546
There was this girl in my class that I sorta liked, I wasn't sure, I guess she was two notches cooler than me. Then there was this one day, when somehow we headed into town together for no reason at all, and went into a store with band merch, just walked around for like an hour, I tried to pick out cool bands to show her, but she'd already heard them all. After acting like an idiot for an hour, touching every shelf and tripping over the merch because I was looking at her face, I got the Get something or get the fuck out-shout from the clerk, and ran back to her, told her they we're closing (at 4 p.m?) and said I was gonna get something cool for her, and I went to the shelf with records, grabbed some piece of shit she never could have heard of that was being sold for less than 2 euros. On our way home I kissed her, she got mad as hell and I got of the bus as quick as I could with the record still on me. This is track 3.
10. David Bowie | Rock 'N' Roll Suicide
Of all the music I love, Bowie has been with me the longest. He got me through my most chaotic teenage years with his The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars album. Admirable in itself, but this song holds a special place in my heart because it probably is what got me out of that chaos and helped me organise misery into bearable chunks of tears. God bless you, David.
+11. Tom Waits | Wrong Side Of The Road
For a month I believed I was a huge Tom Waits fan. Then someone asked me how many songs I had heard, at wich point I realized I'd only heard Wrong Side Of The Road. A million times. Tear the throat out of the night!
+12. Håkan Hellström | Vi Två 17 År
Blame yourself, nothings happening here / but I dosn't matter to me, when your hands are here... Any two people who touch each other while this song is playing will instantly fall in love. It's a law of nature.
+13. Vivian Girls | Going Insane
+14. The Field Mice | Emma's House