WARMER MIXTAPES #287 | by Zane Michael O'Brien [FAUXMUSICA/Zeph/Prole/Zanye East] of Sacred Star and Folding Pyramid
1. Grauzone | Film 2
This 1981 classic for me is one of the most authentic examples of a comparison or connection between new wave and hex haus (or witch house/industrial if you prefer). Grey Area (or Grauzone), a Swiss band, still to this day remain one of my most played and influential artists I have came upon. Possibly only equaled to in my eye by Tuxedomoon.
Another song I could resist making from the samples of babe-25 that I stole off YouTube and mixed into King Crimson guitar riffs, and then gazed and screwed. I do alot of my samples and remixes from files I rip and covert from YouTube. I think it's a sign of the times. I wanna stick my tounge between babe-25's cr00ked teeth. Hey guyz, check yr private areas, for cancer! Peace!
3. The Peach Tree | Hard Drug Abuse
WOW!! This song makes me want to pound some venison in the abandoned city center in some apocalyptic nightmare while I'm shooting hard drugs. The Peach Tree is the artistic vision of Melbourne, Australia based Angus Maiden. He's my digital homefly. And he's literally on my iTunes every other play. You can find all of his work for free on Bandcamp. In the past 5 years he has accomplished a massive 12 full length recordings. 7 EPs. and 5 LPs. DAMN!! He also runs a net label called Tribal Dancing Kid that you can google for amazing leftfield music and art.
4. The Tleilaxu Music Machine | You Onto Somethin
D. Bene Tleilaxu a native to S. California has been onto something for a long time. This kid is barely white, even though his appearance to the eye is whiter than a ghost. Darkness in certain shades of gray. This is feel good, bouncey, hardcore/gabber inspired piece about being right!!
5. Bitch House | Hurry Up And Die
This song is mainly just white noise. But what's wrong with that??
6. ZxZ | Murder On The Danse Society
ZxZ hails from Toronto and is 1/2 of the Drag/Witch House duo Mourning Star (▼□■□■□■) also known for the projects Angel Annihilation and goth/rock band The Synthesis Machine. On this piece, ZxZ is simply reminding us all again why it's still so good to stay away from Euphoria.
7. Modern Witch | Cinema
VS. G.A.N. 665+1 | Brooklyn Witch... Now this could be a debate of agreement, disagreement, or complete discernment, but these two songs have a lot in common, something at the very core tells you that these two pieces have influenced the beginning of chillwave and parallel emergence of witch house. The principals that divine these bands lie across the barriers of Eastern and Western Orthodoxes. The only difference is in the polarity of the hemi-spheres. N. America VS. Serbia. Hey, wait, I thought the cold war was over?? Apparently the satellite army has taken up on their own command... In Brooklyn...
8. ✝NO VIRGIN✝ | SnoOoRt mE!!
Makes me feel like I'm happy that my nose is running bl00d, again...
9. LAKE R▲DIO | кулинария
I recently spoke to Caden Moore (LAKE R▲DIO) about this song, he didn't have much to say other than he had sampled La Roux. This is pure satanic worship. Thanks for speaking the rites of passage in the kvlt, La Roux.
10. High Park | Kristallnacht
Toronto based artist Roman Kov also known as High Park (and the other half of ▼□■□■□■) self describes this song as a part of a genre of music he calls Hitlercore. Makes me feel like I am in a Kafka-esqe nightmare, getting punched by my supervisor while doing endless paperwork, amongst lines of speed cut with alot of ether on my desk.
+11. FAUXMUSICA | DICEY DISCO (interlude by The Peach Tree)
HELLO MY FUTURE GIRLFRIEND!! Classic internet troll, vanquished by FAUXMUSICA. I'm 11 years old, in the six grade... This is what I sound like, with my hands down yr pants...
+12. The Present Moment | LOW DEAD (Extended Mix)
Milton Scott (The Present Moment) recently just dropped a dark weapon of an LP on the masses. It's 12 tracks and it's called The High Road. Download it for free at Bandcamp or purchase a limited to 100 copies vinyl from Desire. This is kinda like David Gahan (Depeche Mode), only more recently returned from the dead, and now having a lot more fun!! LOW DEAD is going to get you LOADED!!
+13. The Peach Tree | Valium And A Fireplace
I could listen to this 8N 8REPEAT8 forever, only I have to put more logs on the fireplace and I can only move a couple of centimeters every every couple hours! I don't know which is better, the warmth, the glow, or the diazapam. What a treat, this valium and a fireplace... He-He-Hedonism ..
+14. V▲GINA WOLF | Calm Down
To sum this song up accurately, I must quote the begining of the song where it says I feel this is most wonderful thing I have ever been given. Other than that you just need to Calm Down.
+15. Pictureplane | Time Teens
Poth! Gop! Gop Poth! Poth Gop! Goth Pop!!! Travis looks pretty sweet with that TIME TEENS t-shirt on... I am pretty sure this song is about time travel and 80s fantasy inspired anime. It makes me want to forget my memories and become a TIME TEEN... Now I'm going to make a witchy doll house!!
+16. Loredana | Rain Rain (Haunted By Unison)
I was recently turned onto this song that my friend Julien did from this music blog. Thank you Warmer Climes!! Romania is lucky to have a real diva like Loredana. Comparing Beyoncé, Loredana, and Britney?? Loredana break all them witches nailz... With a wink...
+17. The Present Moment | THE SUN IS DOWN
Massive. Yoko Ono. Milton Scott. Coldwave meets the original black inverted triangle (divine feminine). Oo, that mirror! I'm throwing away that mirror, into the river!! Everytime I listen to this song, Yoko makes me crave blood in a dark new fascinating way, while the river shines with the stars and the Moon. Well, the river? Maybe the river is even too cold for them.
+18. Jewels Of The Nile | Egyptian Eyes
The Jewelz are a triangle currently based In Portland. The Pyramid is: Mark Ingrahm (of Crossover), as well as Jessy Champagne and Meghan Christine (of Magick Daggers). She walks, the Nile. Perfume, in Jasmine veils. Listening to this song transports you a few thousand years forward, or backward, mostly both at the same time... Haunting and charming, all at the same time... I think someone must be looking for prey... I'm staring deep, into, Egyptian Eyezzz... They're eyes, filled with triangles...
+19. Legendary Weapons Of China | Molten Mirrors
VS. ZxZ | Like A Virgin... I recently found of the Legendary Weapons Of China from the Not For Resale music blog. With that said, I can say that the bands name says everything there is to say about this psychedelic two piece from London. Due to this tracks length (over 14 minutes), I spliced some ZxZ - Like A Virgin in there just in case having your Legendary Weapons Of China cherry popped was a bit too long and hard... They gotz teh stamina FAUX realzz...
+20. FAUXMUSICA | Hello Subversive Arcitecht
VS. FAUXMUSICA | Finale... Two pieces I did on an acapella synthestra EP in 2005 called Hello Subversive Arcitecht. Maybe the darkest, most killing sound you've ever heard... I wrote it in my own witch house with two broken keyboards, a surged mixer, and a broken tape machine... GHXST TAPES...
+21. The Peach Tree | All The Perfume Of Arabia
If pr0n is banned in Islamic nations so should this s0ng... I included and excluded this into the end piece because it's beauty stands out so much there was no other way to include it. Repeat daily.