WARMER MIXTAPES #289 | by John McElheron of Solar Bears
1. Bibio | Dwrcan
The raw power and majesty of creation. I listen to this track all the time, it is so inspiring. The sequencing is expertly done. When the track takes off in the second half it is impossible not to visualise space and time interweaving.
2. Portishead | All Mine
Beth Gibbons is on another plane to everyone else. Her voice surfaces rare emotions, some are familiar while others are alien and abstract. I have loved their music since my teens and I think their last record was their finest moment to date.
3. Dennis Wilson | Lady (Fallin' In Love)
If you did not know his life story you would still find this piece of music heartbreaking. The fact that lost love drove him to abusive excess makes it even more saddening. The strings are uplifting which strikes a contrast to his poignant vocals. The guitar tone is genius.
4. Twin Sister | All Around And Away We Go
What can you say other than the fact they get everything right. The group has multiple influences but each track they do is timeless and coherent. I think next year will be very big for them.
5. Blondes | Spanish Fly
This sound like a live performance with overdubs. I have had their Touched EP on repeat since my girlfriend got me into them. Trance inducing and vibrant.
6. Beaver And Krause | As I Hear It
Unsung heroes. I wish more people would discover their work. As I Hear It is definitely their best. The synths are so organic and fluid.
7. Primal Scream | Higher Than The Sun
Higher Than The Sun changed my life and got me past hard times. I discarded my belief system when I was young but when I heard this I adopted the mantras with the lyrics. I am still in awe of it to this day.
8. Neon Indian | Deadbeat Summer
I was coasting through artist pages online one night when I came across Neon Indian. As soon I hear Deadbeat Summer I knew he would be a cult figure of some kind. Great pop star and songwriter.
9. M83 | By The Kiss
Epic soundscape from a pioneer. Soundtrack to Earth evolving over millions of years.
10. Grizzly Bear | Colorado
One of the best guitar lines in the history of recorded music. I admire them a great deal.