WARMER MIXTAPES #299 | by Randall Rigdon [Dark Colour]
1. Groove Armada | Not Forgotten
If I had to choose one song for 2010, this would be it. It gave me chills the first time I heard it. The whole thing is chaos; it just breathes. Nothing against Groove Armada, but I never expected them to come out with a track this… Real. It hits me hard every single time I hear it. The explosive choruses are where the track truly shines.
2. Marmaduke Duke | Kid Gloves
If there ever was a song I felt obligated to share to the world, it would be this one. This song is gooorrreggous. I really sort of just stumbled upon this group on the internet one evening without expecting very much. At first I was like all right this is pretty cool; but once the song hit 1:39 mark, I froze up. I had I found something magical. I don’t think there’s ever really been a more devastating electronic pop song. It’s heartbreaking.
3. Miami Horror | Holidays
There’s a charming quality to the overwhelmingly positive nature of this song. I mean it’s so sunny and infectious that it’s actually pretty laughable. That’s exactly why I love it. There needs to be more songs like these, just filled with innocent cheer from start to finish. If everybody listened to music like this everyday the World could be a happier place.
4. Mylo | In My Arms
This song is just feels like a grand nostalgia trip to me. It has this painful, beautiful sense of longing the whole way through, yet it makes you want to get up and dance it all away. I actually used the same kind of concept when writing Memories. I think the power of music is really utilized when the listener wants to get up and dance despite knowing some pretty depressing shit inspired the song.
5. Blur | Song 2
When I was young boy I used to loose control listening to this song. Imagine every reckless thing a mindless adolescent boy could have done in the matter of two minutes. My parents used to think I was having seizures. I don’t think I’ve listened to a song more times in my life. The whole thing defined my late childhood and early teen years. I still get that wild, childlike sensibility every time I hear this song. Talk about getting lost in the energy of a song.
6. Louis La Roche | Love
My favorite French house song. It has this really strange soothing yet exciting essence to it. I think if I really had to choose a song to represent the feeling of being in love it would probably be this one.
7. The Rolling Stones | Beast Of Burden
God, I love this song. I get lost in it every time I listen to it. It’s a like drug, I have to keep it on repeat otherwise I start to feel a little empty. I love when you can feel a musician just shutting everything down and letting the music take over his soul. I think that kind of style has really influenced my own stuff. I don’t know, I could talk about this one forever. It’s damn perfect. There, I’ll leave it that.
8. Empire Of The Sun | Walking On A Dream
This song has been permeating from within me the moment I heard it. Throughout the last decade I used to envision lots of new directions for the electronic music, which ultimately drove me to creating Dark Colour. When this song I arrived I was, like yeah, this is it. They really just hit home with those elements that I was developing myself. It’s a landmark of a song, but also it just has a really powerful, forceful emotion to it.
9. David Bowie | Heroes
Perhaps an obvious choice... I don’t think I need to go into much detail about the significant a song with this kind of muscle has. Bowie is a strong influence on Dark Colour, but I think this song in particular of his really stands out the most for me.
10. M83 | I Guess I’m Floating
I really love the love album Before The Dawn Heals as a whole more than any individual track, but if I had to choose one it would have to be I Guess I’m Floating. This song actually holds a lot of personal significant to me. Sometimes late night I like to slip out and just drive. Nothing is more tranquil than listening to this song while driving against the city lights. It’s dramatic.