WARMER MIXTAPES #308 | by Luis Clara Gomes [Moullinex]
10 tracks I love + The best song ever written + I'm sure I'm missing hundreds of them...
1. Shuggie Otis | Strawberry Letter 23
I was digging for the original sample in Soul Bells by Le Knight Club, and I found the Brothers Johnson. They had this amazing track called Strawberry Letter 23, which I found out to be a cover of Shuggie Otis' original. And what a track that was.
2. Dntel | (This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan
Dntel aka Jimmy Tamborello did this track with Ben Gibbard (Death Cab For Cutie), paving the way for what The Postal Service would be. A gem.
3. Add N To (X) | Metal Fingers In My Body
If awesome was a street, Add N to (X) would have their own zip code.
4. Sultans Of Ping F.C. | Where's Me Jumper?
In the town I grew up there was a huge disco with 5 different theme rooms. Our gang would get pissed drunk, take a bus from the city center and enter directly to one of these rooms. That was our source for new music, in a time music was exchanged via tapes. I owe a lot to those DJs. I can distinctly remember the mosh pit (and me in it) when this track played.
5. Squarepusher | Iambic 9 Poetry
Genius. This got me into Warp Records and changed my life in all but a good way.
6. The Smashing Pumpkins | Landslide (Fleetwood Mac Cover)
While the Fleetwood Mac original is in itself a masterpiece, this acoustic cover version by the Pumpkins is pure bliss. I used to listen to this on repeat to ease some of that teen angst...
7. The Beach Boys | God Only Knows
Quoting Weird Al" Yankovic, those are the kind of harmonies you can only get from YEARS of parental abuse...
8. Air | Radian
Too see Air perform 10,000 Hz Legend live was to fulfill a dream. My favorite band, period.
9. Carly Simon | Why
This Chic-written, produced and performed track is the best thing Carly Simon has ever done.
10. Pulp | This Is Hardcore
See the Sultans Of Ping F.C. track. In the same place, Pulp was in heavy rotation. The hits were Disco 2000 or Common People, but this track is one of their masterpieces. Jarvis Cocker is one of my personal heroes and to listen to him sing on a modern disco track (Discodeine's Synchronized, that is) is just a dream come true.
+11. Stevie Wonder | Golden Lady
If my life had a song on repeat, this would be it. You just can't escape the sheer beauty of this. And reminding myself of it just made me have it on repeat the entire day.