WARMER MIXTAPES #425 | by Joey Butler [Kid Smpl]
1. Shlohmo | Places
His new album Bad Vibes is simply amazing. One of my favorite albums to come out in a while. I chose this song in particular because it hits a strong emotional nerve for me personally. I remember watching an interview with Shlohmo in which he talks about how he has never really felt that he fits in where he lives. This sort of feeling is something that drives my own music very often so him saying that made me understand what emotion I was possibly connecting with in his music.
2. J Dilla | Bye
J Dilla’s beatmaking completely changed the way I approach my own music. The mood that he is able to create with his music and the fact that that mood comes across so genuine and honest has always amazed me. His music just sounds like a guy with his sampler making beats because he needs to and I find that really inspiring.
3. Jamie xx | Far Nearer
I picked this one simply because I love the euphoric vibe it creates. It’s a tune that has the ability to cheer me up anytime and Jamie xx is an extremely talented producer.
4. Machinedrum | U Don’t Survive
Machinedrum’s new album is pretty amazing and this is my favorite track off of it. Like Jamie xx’s Far Nearer, it has a very euphoric vibe. I’ve always admired musicians that are able to write happy songs because that’s something I am never really able to do.
5. Burial | Etched Headplate
Like J Dilla, Burial’s music has had a huge impact on the way I approach creating music myself and for very similar reasons. Just as Dilla’s beats just sound like a guy and his sampler, Burial’s tunes just sounds like a guy and his laptop. The amount of genuine emotion he is able to express in his tunes and the fact that they were just created by a guy sitting at his laptop in the middle of the night amazes me. I picked Etched Headplate in particular because it was the first Burial tune that I became obsessed with. Of course there were many more to follow though.
6. Explosions In The Sky | Your Hand In Mine
I’ve always found the amount of dynamic variation these guys can go through in there music to be very inspiring. I often try to accomplish similar composition and movement in my own music but these guys are really on a whole different level. I also have a soft spot for nostalgic music and this song really brings me back to another time in my life.
7. Burial | Shell Of Light
I picked this song solely because of the last minute of it. That last minute is by far one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard. It’s a really sweet and unexpected moment within the context of the entire album also. Why I find it to be so great is quite hard to explain since it’s really all about the emotion that is created in that moment and I’m not sure how to put it into words.
8. Zomby | Haunted
This tune is probably my favorite off of Zomby’s new album. It’s extremely dramatic yet meditative. It’s a perfect tune to get lost in.
9. Earl Sweatshirt | Earl
This is one of the most refreshing Hip Hop tracks I’ve heard in a long time. It has that raw and dark vibe that reminds me a bit of early Wu-Tang though lyrically I think it holds it own. The beat goes and Earl is an incredible rapper.
10. Madvillain | Fancy Clowns (feat. Viktor Vaughn)
Doom spits some extremely clever lines in this track but the reason why I love it is because of the beat. Madlib creates the most interesting mood and I love how the bass sounds like it’s not mixed quite right, which is probably vital in creating the mood that it has.