WARMER MIXTAPES #432 | by Philip Gayle
I have a new album titled Babanço Total to be released by Public Eyesore Records in October 2011. It's my first full-length solo album in 6 years. I play mandolin and guitar with many artists of many genres of music and I'm a writer and translator as well. I will be touring around the World in 2012.
1. Chaya Czernowin | Sheva
This is one of 6 amazing pieces of music composed by Chaya Czernowin on the Wergo release titled Shifting Gravity. So far, this is the album of the year in 2011 for me. All of the music is exciting and fresh. Honestly, I am just randomly picking this song, for all of them are equally fantastic! Performed by Quator Diotima & Ensemble Nikel.
2. Brötzmann/Parker/Drake | Never Too Late But Always Too Early, Pt. 1
I don't listen to Improvised Music much anymore, it's more fun to play it... Here, Hamid Drake and William Parker are fantastic together in this trio with Peter Brotzmann in a tribute to one of my heroes, Peter Kowald, someone who I wished I could have played with. The whole album is great, long songs but continuously full of energy and unexpected turns. Personally, it's always late and never too early... R.I.P Peter Kowald.
3. José Manuel López López | Concierto Para Violin Y Orquesta
This piece and the other two pieces on the album are really strong concertos of new music by this Spanish composer I hadn't heard of until recently. Looking forward to another release soon!
4. The Timers | Melt Down
This is from a demo tape someone gave me back in 1988. A song written by Zerry (Imawano Kiyoshiro) as an anti-nuclear power song has been showing up on Japanese social media sites over the past few months in response to the nuclear nightmare that the Japanese government and TEPCO officials have been lying about. Kiyoshiro was the truest voice of the anti-nuclear movement anywhere in the World until his untimely death from cancer in 2008.
5. Willie Nelson | Hands On The Wheel
This whole album is sublime. Willie is just Willie. Ain't no one like him, anywhere. This song and many of his songs are honest, real feelings that people can related to. One of my all-time favorite albums. Whoever busts Willie is a fucking tight-ass mother-fucker. I put doodoo in the chili con carne of any Republikan asshole who busts anyone for weed.
6. Ember Schrag | Jephthah's Daughter
This song and the rest of the album are beautiful songs. Ember is one of my favorite songwriters. Her lyrics are sublime.
7. Novos Baianos | A Menina Dança
This Brasilian band is one of my favorites. This song and all the others are great. Baby Consuelo (now Baby Do Brasil) is almost hard not to dance to! I can't dance worth a shit, but I wiggle...
8. Olga Neuwirth | Akroate Hadal
It's one of my favorite pieces by one of my favorite composers. The Talea Ensemble performed this piece beautifully in May in NYC, and it almost made me fart golden rainbows out my nostrils. Perfecto!
9. Dirty Projectors | Cannibal Resource
I've always dug what Dave has been recording. This album is more slickly produced Pop, but is fantastic. There is something spastic about his work that so many of us have thought of but could never make it work. He is able to do that.
10. Dan Knudsen | The Emperor Lucifer
Dan is a genius from Maine, USA. I'm a huge fan. He writes songs from the heart and its his honesty that comes through his songs so well. People there call him the Daniel Johnston of Maine, but that's not fair to either party. Both brilliant writers, but nowhere near the same in any regard... Check him out, if you're ever in Portland, Maine.