When I first saw the message from Vlad about featuring in the Warmer Climes music blog I wasn’t very forthcoming as to giving my ideas away as to why I like these 10 songs as some of them have very personal meanings to me and are not always the things that you want people to read about on the Internet. It took sometime but after a lot of thought it came to me that if someone is listening to my music then they want to know what the background behind me as an artist is and what drives me to create music. So I opened up a LOT more… And here it is:
1. Burial | Archangel
This song is very important to me. It was the very first Burial song I heard and the reason that I started producing music, all of two years ago now. There is another reason why I am so fond of this song; it reminds me of my biggest inspiration, my girlfriend. A lot of the songs I create have some reference to her in one form or another. She is a massive support to me and constantly tells me that I can do it, which is exactly what I need most of the time. So, thank-you to Burial for creating this song, which has had such a massive impact on my producing and thank-you to my girlfriend for always being there to support me.
2. Supergrass | Alright
Supergrass - Alright is the very first song I ever remember listening to. Jumping around with my brother singing the chorus. That catchy piano riff that grabs you as soon as it starts playing, would still make me get up and dance around even today. It’s a feel good tune full of happy memories.
3. Nirvana | Smells Like Teen Spirit
The classic riff that I remember as a child. A tune that was played quite often in my house. Nirvana being my Dad's favourite band meant that I was exposed to the crazy distortions and coarse vocals very often and it is a song that always sticks in my head.
4. Chumbawamba | Tubthumping
A song that reminds me of some very old friends that I don’t see very often anymore but can only ever remember fond and happy memories of them and this song.
Here is where we sort of come out of the songs that have meaning and go more into the songs that I take massive influence from when I making music.
5. Burial | Forgive
This song is so simple in form yet manages to pack an unreal amount of emotion and feeling into its three minutes. I remember the first time I listened to this I was amazed at the way in which it made me feel. The piercing vocal sample and the amazing soundscapes blend to make such an incredible song. I have taken a massive amount of influence from this song but also from Burial as an artist. He is my absolute idol!

6. Mount Kimbie | Field
Again, another very simple song in form, but the way in which the song is put together and produced is amazing. The building of the filter at the start constantly keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen next and as the low end builds so do the anticipation. The guitar riff that comes in, in itself is ridiculous catchy and this, along with the high pitched (what I can only imagine to be a) vocal sample creates a tune that I could listen to over and over again. Mount Kimbie are the reason that I (from time to time) use live recorded instruments and samples within my tunes.
7. Kings Of Leon | Closer
This is one of my favourite songs at the minute. The pitched bass echoes completely surrounds you as you listen to the song being then main focus until the screaming guitar and Caleb’s piercing vocals combine with crashing drums to create a tune full of emotion and feeling. The way in which the song is built around a very simple bass riff really appeals to me as I’m not the best with the whole theory side of music and this really shows me that sometimes the simpler things can work the best.
8. deadmau5 | Strobe
I love deadmau5’s clean-cut synths, the way in which they cut through the mix perfectly constantly warping and changing. This song was a massive influence on my tune Flu, I tried to emulate the synth and the way in which the filter opens allowing the higher frequencies to properly shine through in the mix. I love how the song builds and builds until it can build no more and then it just explodes as the beat comes in. Great tune.
9. Koreless | MTI
Another of my favourite tunes. I love how Minimal it is but at the same creates such an atmosphere. The vocal sample catches you as soon as it plays and I love the change from the intro into the bass drop. It definitely gets my head bopping. I try emulate the space that Koreless creates within his tunes whilst at the same time maintaining interest and unbelievable atmosphere.
10. Skream | Rutten
I love the darkness in this tune. The Old Skool Dubstep vibes. I love the way in which the flute seamlessly flows at the beginning into that very Minimal yet effective bass drop. The thing I take most from this tune is how very Minimal it is. You don’t need four billion tracks to make a decent tune.