WARMER MIXTAPES #472 | by Kaveh August Arbab [Krusht]
Photo by Mohamed Nazmy.
1. The Clash | (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais
This is the right start. Lying outside of the tennis court at a high school match, looking at the clouds, getting off the bus. Leather jacket, curly hair, tennis racket, sneakers. Backyard. Mother, father. The war.
2. Burial | Etched Headplate
Accept darkness with your friends.
3. Drake | The Resistance
Leaves under the street light. Green light. My sister, her friends. A spliff between hands.
4. Tycho | PBS/Kae
5:30 a.m. Studio desk. Through the tainted glass, Sunrise for the first time. Purple, blue… Orange hues… The morning… The morning fog.
5. Two Bicycles | The Holy Forest/Forever
Burial Ground. Nirvana. Bike ride under autumn leaves. Wind sways beneath branches and clouds. Eyes on the pavement, to the creek, eyes on the dirt. Off the plane, in her bed, never could leave. Head beneath the sheets, next to her.

6. Rollerskaters | In The Dark
The Pacific Coast Highway traverses some of America's most beautiful vistas. Coastal preservation is inherent. We camped beneath the redwoods. We skated to the pier.
7. Boards Of Canada | Open The Light
The image of her face reflects in the pine. Washed bronze reverberates. Up the highway, further & further.
8. Daft Punk | Digital Love
We will be here? I think so. The teachers glide the crescent Moon.
9. M83 | Run Into Flowers
Give me pills and chemicals, I want to run into flowers. At the foot of the mountain… Lions flying through the air , purple arches slamming down from the sky an inverted funnel propels us to the stars, the stars, Paris at night, I am here? My vision is washed by the brush of Monet. I fall. Falling, I want to fall! Beaneath the blueberry blue light, howling to the Moon as I go down.
10. The Clash | Straight To Hell
Shanghai train, heading back from the village. I look up to industrial structures against the uncertainty of a new territory.
+11 Pictureplane | Goth Star
Put my hoodie on, ideas glow bright, smile on my face. Off into the cold.