1. Harmonium | Si Doucement
The first time I listened to them (specially this song) I thought: 70's Kraut era, a very interesting song… An influence to the guys from Radiohead on In Rainbows? Definitely yes! It's astounding the similarity with A. Kapranos' voice (Franz Ferdinand).
2. Matthew Herbert | Something Isn't Right
Perfect song to drink beer at your summer home. It reminds me of my holidays with friends in France.
3. Sébastien Tellier | Broadway
This guy is a genious, I adore him, to me this song with La Ritournelle are a 10.
4. Grizzly Bear | Deep Blue Sea
It was one of the first songs I learnt to play with the ukelele.
5. Electric Light Orchestra | Mr. Blue Sky
I love this song, Jeff Lynne's voice hooks you in from the first moment. Perfect to make a cover with friends while having drinks.

6. Moondog | Utsu
It's not this track in particular, but any from him, a freak & genious.
7. Robin Thicke & Pharrell | Wanna Love You Girl
I'm a huge fan of Pharrell and everything he does. I thinks it's a super sexy song, hahaha, I love it.
8. ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead | Relative Ways
This song (and almost all the LP) gives me such a hype, it has lots of energy, it's a pity he's changed so much… But his first albums were bombs. ...Trail Of Dead's music has kept me & my skate company for quite some time.
9. Nada Surf | Icebox
It's curious, this band never caught my eye until I went on a trip with my best friend by car from Spain to Switzerland, almost eight years ago. Most of the cd's were scratched, so we could only listen to the radio (when the sound was OK or when you could hear it) and Nada Surf's first two albums. I still don't understand why I brought them, but anyway… I remember September's contrast, raining, very cold... The sky was grey and we were listening to happy music… It was bizarre; when I listen to any of their songs, they take me back to that spectacular country.
10. Phoenix | Sometimes In The Fall
Once again, it marks a great memory from another trip I did by car (this time with another three friends) to the South of Germany. I perfectly remember being in the car at neuschwanstein and listening to this song. i was undoubtedly the trip's song.
+11. Department Of Eagles | Flip
Pfff… This track is way too much, it's really good, just like everything Mr. Rossen does.