WARMER MIXTAPES #526 | by Nadine Platzek [Tape3000]
1. Kraftwerk | Die Roboter
I really have to thank my dad, he was the one that shared Kraftwerk with me since I was a little child. I clearly remember that when I was 4 year-old, we danced like robots in front of my dad's Hi-Fi console and had so much fun singing Wir sind die Roboter over and over again.
2. Christian Bruhn | Captain Future
As well I remember early Saturday mornings, in my pink pyjama and a bowl of choco pops cereal waiting so bad for a new episode of Captain Future just because I totally loved the theme song!!... I think my preference for Electronic Music was already given as child and teenager.
3. Daft Punk | Face To Face
Holy Jesus! I remember so bad how much I have been waiting for Daft Punk's Discovery! Already being a long time in love with Homework it was time for something new! I grew up in a very small village and we only had one tiny music store. I did preorder Discovery and went every day after school to ask if it arrived. Finally two weeks after the release I had it in my hand and run home. I have never been so excited about an album. Nowadays I really miss that feeling to be impatiently about any album releases, but Daft Punk is one of the less bands that still make me looking forward about their work.
4. Slowdive | Souvlaki Space Station
Makes me wanna fall and float backwards forever in slow motion!
5. Spandau Ballet | Gold
This is never ending singstar nights with my friends. And don't forget the GOLD! Fist.

6. Jamiroquai | You Give Me Something
Monday morning - dancing in underwear - using my hairbrush as microphone - such the best way to get up and get ready for university!...
7. Madonna | Hung Up
Lisa, a very close friend of mine and I use to dance the Madonna's Hung Up moves at almost every party we have been to. Well I mean the rolling arms and the foot moving back and forward move. Such fun! I love...
8. How To Dress Well | Suicide Dream 2
HTDW sung me pretty much through the last winter. I totally fell for the complete album Love Remains and drown into his voice.
9. Aphex Twin | Xtal
Ohhh, I very miss my car whenever I hear that song, it almost hurts. In my opinion a car is the best place to listen to music. I used to drive a lot in summer, without any goal. Just me, my favorite music and a beautiful landscape passing by. Specially this song is perfect for long road drive with many trees and fields and spreading out the hand to feel the warm summer breathe… Baaaaww!!
10. Boards Of Canada | Magic Window
I really do love my playlist. But as soon this song is playing I'm amazed to hear a deaf magic.