1. Doctor Jeep | Broken Heart
The production of this track is so impressive, I can tell this artist tries to do what I do and that is convey Emotion through Electronic Music. That is a truly difficult task, but Doctor Jeep pulls that off very well here.
2. Ifan Dafydd | Treehouse
Again, Ifan Dafydd's production is probably the best job out right now. Everything is leveled perfectly, such production paints pictures for me as I listen to his musical stories. All of the synths are well made and the vocals are perfectly sampled. I like the fact that he samples his own vocals and chops them up, that is pretty difficult. The first time I heard this song, it changed my Music perspective. Not only because I was extremely high, but I think it was because the song is freshly new, and also strikingly though provoking. It's just gorgeous, all of his tracks.
3. The Rapture | The Jam
I feel like this track is all over the place in a good way. It has chaotic characteristics but also I sludgy, Psychedelic feel too it as well. The chorus riffing on the guitar is just phenomenally breath taking. The song makes me feel like I'm doing morphine in a damp basement but I love every single moment of it.
4. Wu-Tang Clan | C.R.E.A.M.
This is obviously one of the greatest throwbacks in Hip Hop history, Wu-Tang in general. The lyrics are so great and relevant to society today as well, it was pretty great for its time. The beat in this song is so Hip Hop and DO NOT even get me started on the sampling. The intro flows so well with that sample, an intro that the World will never forget, a line that subconsciously lays in almost everyone's mind. Cash Rules Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M, get the money, dolla dolla bill yall...
5. R. Kelly | Exit
R. Kelly is well known for getting sexy but this track does it in a smooth way. R. Kelly just has that cool guy attitude that many men want to have these days and it is highly respectable. More than anything, his amazing and belting vocals usually stand out in his tracks but this was definitely shines on his vocal talent, it's so suave in general over the lovely strings playing along with a great beat and I like that.

6. Viers | Sophia
Viers is this artist I found on Soundcloud, or through TammySzu's uploads on YouTube. I enjoy the production a lot and the choices in instruments are intelligent. Everything just runs together but that haunting vocal sample over the song will never get out of my head, it's creepy yet beautiful at the same time, sort of like Zola Jesus's older material but I really love her stuff as well. This song is impressive and deserves way more exposure.
7. Dimlite | Sun-Sized Twinkles
Dimlite is a genius, I don't know how to even go about making something similar to Dimlite. I can't really call it Beat Music, it's so Experimental I just love it. It may not be Avant Garde or whatever but it is still really Experimental. This song stands out the most from the album, in my opinion. I think it may be because the vocoding notations and chords are so well chosen, it's probably the most melodic vocal melody I have ever heard in a song. The really Retro Casio-esque sounding synths in the song also sell the song as well.
8. AlunaGeorge | You Know You Like It (Lapalux's Bass Ballad Remix)
Lapalux is this really great Ambient and Experimental Beat producer, not sure where he's from but his music is so interesting that I'd love to travel there and see what he's all about. The swarm of sound anticipates me from the very beginning of this track, but when the vocals come in, everything is so purely stripped and produced I almost lost it upon my first hearing of the track. The chorus goes really well with the vocals, the transposition on the vocals are really well done as well. It's such a hypnotic track.
9. No Age | Fever Dreaming
I love this song so much, it's definitely trying to keep the spirit going. It can totally get anyone hyped up to do something.
10. Giraffage | Waste Yr Time
The spirit of Chillwave is exposed by this song. Those synths, that snare, that beat, those toms, the phasing, all of it is so nearly mind altering, it makes me imagine myself on a Summer-time yacht drinking and eating cheesecake.
+11. Valerie Dore | Guinnevere
She was big in the Italian-Disco stage around the time this song came out, 1986. This song sounds so nostalgic, it's emotionally charming just to hear it, it's got that powerful snare and those clearly 80s synths. Everything about this song I just adore.
+12. SALEM | Sick
I love SALEM so much, I have all of their demos and mixtapes and from my experiences with them, Jack and John are real cool and friendly people. This song is so heavy and dark, it sounds more than just Drag or Witch House, it sounds like Trap Magick. The composition is pretty great on this track and Jack just tears it up the whole entire track while the whispers fill up my head, but also the lyrical content is perfect.
+13. Twin Shadow | Castles In The Snow (Com Truise Remix)
Com Truise has the greatest remixes, especially his remix of I Know by Franklin, but this one stands out to me for some reason. His beats in general are so great, but I really think it's the snare that honestly sells it for me when it comes to the production of the drums. The vocals were placed perfectly and the basslines in Com Truise's songs are always amazing.

+14. Memoryhouse | Modern, Normal
Denise has the most beautiful voice, especially live, that girl has a true gift. Evan is an Ambient genius, whether I'm listening to his solo Ambient stuff or his guitar riffs in Memoryhouse, I drift away to his composition. He's also a great pianist, multi instrumentalists are really interesting to me, Denise can also play guitar too and I didn't know that until I saw them live. This song gives me that feeling of despair and withdrawal, their songs usually give this affect onto me but with a more melting in slow motion kind of feel.
+15. Fortune Howl | Pitch
Fortune Howl is a really good friend of mine, this song can easily describe just how interesting he is as a person. The vocal samples in this song sound like they are melting into my head and the dripping, glistening synths do no justice in helping me feel less medicated. This track is pretty much what being under a heavily sedating drug feels like and I love that.
+16. GRANT | Sound Check
The bassline is addicting, that's all I can say about that. It's just so great, everything else falls onto it so well that it makes the whole song addictive to me. The beat is great and the samples are ridiculous. I have no idea how the singing fits so well but it really, really does. A very emotional sounding song.
+17. James Blake | Measurements
I know there are a lot of haters (honestly, they have to be jealous on how amazing this guy is a producer, instrumentalist, and composer) but I don't really care. His EP was fantastic but this song hits really hard, probably the hardest hitting on his self-titled album.
+18. MF Doom | Doomsday
I have no idea what the vocal sample of the female singing is from but it is extremely vital to this song. This song overall has this really street sounding attitude but the singing is so delicate that it makes this song sound like a classic. It kind sounds like soul food in a way, I know that's pretty odd but it kind of makes sense. Either way, he kills this track. I mean, he rips it to shreds, as soon as I first heard this song I swear it took me 20 seconds to ask who this was. He deserves to be way more appreciated in the Hip Hop community.
+19. Underwater Seacreatures | Piece Of Mine
These guys are a couple of the coolest people I know and their super suave sound can prove that to just about anyone. It's Chillwave that isn't extremely generic at last, it all sounds authentically done, just everything about it. I really like the vocal melody on this track, they're executed pretty much perfectly through out the whole entire EP.
+20. Zoo Kid | Baby Blue
Now King Krule... I will always call him Zoo Kid for some reason, but anyway this song is so beautiful. It's pretty much just him singing and playing guitar in what sounds like a really large arena type room. Eventually some drums come along but they aren't staying for long, but that kind of makes this track even more intimate and that's what really captures me about Zoo Kid, just how intimate it all is. Really vulnerable stuff.