WARMER MIXTAPES #578 | by Nicole Morier [Coco Morier] of Electrocute
There's a rat in my house and I can't sleep so I did this.
1. The Flamingos | I Only Have Eyes For You (Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler Cover)
I think I first heard this song in a Martin Scorsese film, was it Goodfellas? I can't remember. But it's an absolutely amazing vocal performance and I'm obsessed with the background vocals. I could listen to this song 1 million times and never tire of it.
2. Karen Dalton | Reason To Believe (Tim Hardin Cover)
I only recently discovered her version of this Tim Hardin song made famous by Rod Stewart. Hers is by far my favorite, it's so hauntingly beautiful. The song is even more special to me because my father dated Karen in the 60's and also knew Tim Hardin. She was a very tortured soul and it comes off in her music.
3. Serge Gainsbourg | Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'En Vais
I love the melody to this song and the lyrics are equally bitter sweet. The added sound of Jane Birkin crying in the background is beautiful.
4. Broadcast | Corporeal
When the singer from this band, Trish Keenen died last year I was having a horrible heartache over someone and I remember listening to her song Winter Now over and over again and crying my eyes out. But I chose this song for the mixtape because I think the production and the lyrics are so sexy, creepy and clever. It's like nothing I've ever heard before.
5. Stereo Total | I Love You, Ono (The Plastics 'I Love You, Oh No!' Cover)
Their cover version of the song by Japanese band The Plastics is a classic. This is one of my favorite bands of all time.

6. Donna Summer | Working The Midnight Shift
You have to hand it to the late great Donna Summer. No one will ever beat I Feel Love as one of the best Dance songs of all time. Or greatest songs period. But I added this song because it reminds me of my days waitressing and bartending while everyone was out having fun and I had to work.
7. Suicide | Dream Baby Dream
I just love this song and always will. Hearing Suicide changed my life and my whole perspective on Music and the importance of Simplicity. It's so hypnotic and mesmerizing. Someone once said that Alan Vega was the ghost of Elvis. I love that, so true.
8. The Seeds | Can't Seem To Make You Mine
He's really feeling it on this song. I miss the days before Autotune when vocal performances could just freak out like this. It's got real Power and real Soul. You believe ever minute of his passion and angst. I think Sky Saxon lost his mind and I heard rumors that he owned 30+ cats and it's also interesting that he died the same day as Michael Jackson and Farah Faucet. I also love the song Mr. Farmer and how he holds the s's on let me water your cropssssssss out so long. What a peculiar song.
9. Yellow Magic Orchestra | Wild Ambitions
I think this is one of my favorite bands ever and this song is one of the best. So inventive, sophisticated and weird like only the Japanese can be.
10. Adriano Celentano | Prisencolinensinainciusol
I had to look up how to spell this one of course. I first heard this song in a taxi cab blasting it while I road around the streets of Paris for the first time. Adriano is Italian (you can see him in the band in La Dolce Vita) and a huge star there and known around Europe but I never heard of him where I grew up (Albuquerque, New Mexico). But this song is a fake language or his impression of English I think and I think the beat and concept is crazy ahead of its time. The video is also AWESOME and guests Rafaella CarrĂ¡ my other favorite Italian singer.