WARMER MIXTAPES #588 | by Máté Janky [Alley Catss/hryggur]
1. TEARIST | Civilization
Love this track a lot. Love its style too, as I've always loved rough music. Also perfectly fits to my soul I think.
2. Washed Out | Feel It All Around
This track is one of those few tracks that gives me a perfectly calm atmosphere. I was so amazed after I discovered the first time. Love its Vintage-like style, all of those vocals that I can hear in the song. I can recommend the full album, it's so great.
3. Boards Of Canada | Left Side Drive
Always when I listen to it, I experience the best 5 minutes of my life. This is the track I just can't get over. Helps me a lot for my life, when I'm listening, I feel safe. And it's a so great feeling. My favorite band.
4. La Monte Young | The Well-Tuned Piano
This track seriously takes me somewhere. Gives me a really strange atmosphere, rather it's like a memory. A memory from much older generations. Seriously, a masterpiece with its melodies, they are truly Emotional.
5. Salem | Piggyhog
So dark, but I love it. Its ghastly vocals, synths, everything... Gives me a really weird chill. Disturbed and dazed... Yet peaceful. And so sad. Probably the best track of them in my opinion.

6. Ulver | Ulvsblakk
Love this so much, this is a so timeless song I think. Will be as good as it was at the time of its releasing around '96. Kinda depressive, yet beautiful.
7. Yoga | Encante
Hottest track in 2009, hottest LP in 2009 too. Love it all. Takes me around a witch's house and her residence. Love this ritual, hauntingly dazed mood, love its Psychedelic condition. Want to see them live so bad.
8. Portishead | Biscuit
Reminds me of Chernobyl a bit. Love Beth Gibbons' beautiful vocals, and Barrow's masterful work. Listened to it for days and weeks! I can't get enough of this. So classy.
9. Salem | Baby Ratta
Ah, Salem again. But can't help making mention of it. Full of ghastly, yet beautiful vocals, hard basses, and even touches me like I'm in some kind of cemetery. Amazing.
10. Merzbow | Forgotten Land
So adventurous and motivating somehow. Extremely distorted, yet beautiful. Love its ritually shaman-ish drums and rythms. And all of the drops. It's like skeletons dancing with welders to me.
+11. Diagnose: Lebensgefahr | The Last Breath Of Tellus
It's like dying or a fight to me. Always when I'm listening to it, I imagine a man standing in front of Heaven's gate, then when the drop comes in, somehow he falls off, straight to Hell. How ironic. So amazing though.
+12. Pink Floyd | Breathe
Finally, a Pink Floyd song. It has all of my love and soul. This track is in a very special place in my heart. I've experienced a bunch of so great feelings during this track. An experience of a Lifetime. So beautiful. You just can't escape the sheer beauty of this masterpiece.
+13. Toro Y Moi | Still Sound
Oh, my ringtone. Another great groove track. Pretty damn amazing. I fell into deep love with Chazwick's vocals. And the bass in this track, gives me an eargasm. Every damn time. Found on Warmer Climes, hehe.
+14. Sigur Rós | Rembihnútur
And Varúð and Fjögur Píanó... These are the three most beautiful tracks of my life. Always, when I'm listening to them, I almost cry... Sigur Rós was always a piece of Heaven on Earth to me. Changes my mind every time, makes me wonder about my options and values in my life, my family, the people I love... Simply makes my heart smile. You must know this feeling. When nothing matters, you don't care about how you look like while you're crying. I think without these tracks my life would be deprived from something... Like these beautiful feelings, I don't know... That's for sure, makes my life better in a way that I couldn't find a name for.