1. Trist | Hilfe
Listening to this track, for me, is a very cinematic experience. I find it much more enjoyable if you shut your eyes as you listen in order for your mind to produce visuals to go along with the story being told here. I think what Trist has created is a very unique experience for the listener with a very chilling atmosphere, it's a journey that no other song has ever come close to taking me on.
2. Moëvöt | Zurghtapre - Chant D'Eternité I
The atmosphere Moëvöt creates with this is incredible. I feel like I'm trapped in a church in which not a single soul goes to Heaven and these chilling hymns are sung throughout the building.
3. Mayhem | Freezing Moon
Original guitar riffs, unique drum rhythms, and one ridiculous guitar solo. Freezing Moon blew me away the first time I heard it and it continues to do so each and every time. It's a classic in my book, I've always loved Attila's vocals and this track really brings out what he can do, it's perfect.

4. Chelsea Wolfe | Mer
Every single aspect of this song is just another reason for me to throw it on this list. I'm a real sucker for Chelsea's vocals, especially when it comes to this song specifically, just something about 'em... Beautiful.
5. Cats And Cats And Cats | The Bee's Knives
It's hard to put into words what I like so much about this song. It's got some really intricate guitar rhythms that are easily missed if you don't focus on what you're hearing. It goes back and forth between calm and intense in very well thought out ways, it's a great listen.
6. Alcest | Autre Temps
Metal is usually seen as a raw and obnoxious genre... Autre Temps is an exception. This is one of the most beautiful sounds to ever enter my ears. I can't name a single flaw in this track because there really aren't any, it's just beautiful in every way.
7. American Football | But The Regrets Are Killing Me
Catchy melodies and vocals sung at the perfect pitches strung together to form this track that really hits home. I interpet what's being said here as That life died when we grew up, it took four years... We're not dead... But it did kill a part of us. Could I have done something to avoid this fate? Something? Anything? Regrets (of you and I) are killing me. They killed a part of both of us.

8. Andrew Jackson Jihad | Jesus Saves (God Hates Us All)
What I love so much about this song is the lyrics, they're so simple yet so perfect. I just like what's being said really, there's nothing more to it, everything else is justicing on the lyrics.
9. Pink Floyd | Breathe
Such a relaxing tune, makes me feel like I'm slowly slipping out of Reality and just put into a dreamlike state of mind. Breathe really has a special place in my heart, it's the most beautiful track on the album to me and to pick one track, from this album especially, and say that it's the best of the album could only mean that it's truly a masterpiece.
10. The Weeknd | Initiation
Mysterious, dirty, and raw, Initiation is completely captivating. It will always be my favorite song of Abel's just because it's so original and unique, there's really nothing similar to the sounds of this track.
+11. Anthony Kiedis & John Frusciante | Under The Bridge (Acoustic Version)
I think the only place you can hear this is on YouTube since it was done in an interview and never performed like this anywhere else. I was shown this by a friend and I think when he showed me he said something along the lines of nothing is more amazing than this and I listened to it and just felt so... Happy, it just completely filled me with Joy and Love. If I'm ever feeling down or having a rough day, this is definitely what I come to first, it's just so powerful.
+12. Live | The Dam At Otter Creek
I first heard this song when the album Throwing Copper was recommended to me and I sampled this to decide whether or not I liked it. I fell in love with the album as a whole, but this song really stands out for me, it's so underrated and overlooked.