WARMER MIXTAPES #612 | by Florin Cosmin Chechişan [Keky] of Splash
1. Adam Lambert | Underneath
I'm an Adam Lambert fan and I'm listening his every single album release. The song is from his album Trespassing and I fell in love with it at first hearing. I can relate to this song because it speaks about the individual identity, about showing your self how you really are beyound society’s preconceived ideas where most of the people are obsessed with image and won’t take into consideration personal, interior essence. Never judge a book by its covers! In my personal Love life I’m still struggling with these labels but I found comfort in the thought that my partner will have to be patient to recognize the real me from the artistic image of me.
2. Adele | Turning Tables
I adore the way she sings and I love the lyrics she writes. This song inspires me the need to end a painful Love affair. I still listen to it thinking about my ex and how I idolized him, thinking that he was THE ONE, my great Love. And now all that remains from that relationship is the feeling of Pity and the need for Safety and Protection. Although I wasn’t as decisive as Adele in her song I said goodbye to that relationship and to all that pain and suffering, taking a chance and falling in Love with another person.
3. Cheryl Cole | Don't Talk About This Love
Usually when I listen to an artist's song and I like it, I go ahead and buy the whole album. That’s how I got pleasantly surprised about this particular Cheryl song. A song that talks about a forbidden love, that people might judge, a love that is subdued to suffering. I can relate to this song because I have experienced a similar love, that was submitted to Compromise. The ultimate compromise was Silence, keeping everything a secret, although people where expecting me to talk about this love. I consider that Discretion is golden in a moment when you can compromise somebody who is already rebuilding his life.

I first heard the song on the radio and I didn’t know by who it was sung. Then I saw the clip to the song and the mystery was revealed. Demi is singing about an indecisive love where the guy is confused about his feelings, or of the fact of admitting his feelings. This is exactly what I’m experiencing emotionally in this moment and I consider that the best remedy for a confused soul is: Time and Distance. Only this way you can find out how you truly feel and you can clear your mind and soul.
5. Hurts | Unspoken
I got to admit that I’m listening to the band Hurts because of the lead singer who resembles physically an ex boyfriend of mine. I’ve noticed the song form their album Happiness, and the song idea deals with the incapacity of changing yourself for a person's love and that hidden answers lie in the Silence. This song is very dear to me and it had a major impact in my life, in a moment where I tried to forget my own individuality and tried to change myself for another person. My relationship ended as the song foretold it would, with many answers hidden in Silence and after many years of suffering I realized that: if he would've truly loved me for who I really am he would've closed the door to this relationship many years ago, and wouldn’t have had given me false hopes and Uncertainty three more years to come. But he was a coward and not a real man.
6. Jennifer Lopez | Until It Beats No More
I discovered this beautiful song from her album Love? and it speaks to me about a saving love that rescues you from the pain and suffering of a past broken relationship. My opinion is that you can forget about an old love only through a new love! In my case, that’s what happened with this new redeeming love about which J.LO. was singing. This savior love comes when you least expect it, and it makes you see your past relationship as a moment in Time from which you can learn and evolve as a human being on an emotional level. It makes you a wiser lover that learned what he wants from a new relationship and from his present partner.

7. Madonna | Masterpiece
I adore this Love song! I’ve listened to it from the album MDNA. When I listen to the song I imagine a thief that wants to steal a masterpiece from a museum. The masterpiece for me represents Love and while I try to steal it I’m confronted with my own fear of getting trapped.
8. Rihanna | Farewell
I discovered this song when I listed to Rihanna’s album Talk That Talk. For this particular moment of my life I can relate very well to this song, a song that talks about a breakup and a long distance relationship. It talks about the sacrifice of your love for the sake of the other person's well-being. A true love is never selfish. You have to set that person free and if he belongs to you and it’s meant to be, he will return to you. You have to give that person Freedom so he can find himself and his own happiness, let him make his dreams come true. Even if this means that missing him kills you day by day.
9. Nicole Scherzinger | I'll Be Your Love
I listened to this song for the first time with an ex of mine who is a big Nicole fan. This song brings back beautiful memories. For a long period of time this song was an emotional melody for me. I couldn’t listen to it til the end… Because it always brought back tears to my eyes. But now this song is a fond sweet memory, I made love for the first time listening to this song.
10. Ricky Martin | Basta Ya
I adore this man because he managed to break al barriers and preconceived ideas regarding him and he is still staying true to himself. I discovered the song listening to his album Música + Alma + Sexo and I relate to this song because from the beginning of my career I chose not to get lost in promotion and false image patterns created by my producers. I chose to stay true to my creative individuality. I think that it’s important to be real and not false, because when the mask comes off, you risk being left alone, but when you stay true to yourself, even if you have a small amount of friends they will respect you and stand by your side. If tomorrow I would have to pick between Fame and my Artistic Integrity, I would choose Me. I was always transparent with the people around me and that’s why I love this song, because it speak about Transparency and transcending barriers and preconceived ideas.