WARMER MIXTAPES #706 | by Peter van Ewijk and Jeroen Vande Voorde of The Walton Hoax
SIDE A | by Jeroen Vande Voorde
1. Sigur Rós | untitled #1 (a.k.a. Vaka)
This has been my Favorite Song for Several Years. Like a lot of the work of Sigur Rós, it is so Intense and Pure that it pinches the Heart, while Soothing the Soul. It’s the Most Real and Honest Song I’ve Ever Heard. This tune is Rooted So Deep within my heart, that just the Little Crackling Noise at the Beginning will set of an Emotional Reaction. I go back to this song every time I need to Heal. By the way, the clip of this tune is the only videoclip that could Ever make me Cry, and it still does.
2. Bloc Party | Where Is Home? (Burial Remix)
What can I say... It’s Burial. So you know it’s going to be Bleak, Lonely and Alien. And also Genius. Most people are fond of his song Archangel, but this one just Hits me so Much Harder. It’s Perfect. I will never listen to the Original Version by Bloc Party, because I’m afraid it might take some of the Atmosphere away. I'm the kind of person that doesn't want to know how the Magician did his trick.
3. The Black Heart Procession | We Always Knew
To me, this is the Most Philosophical Song Ever Written. It speaks with such Clarity about Amazing Indepth Truths... Every time I listen to it, I discover Something New. It’s Poetic, but at the same time Very No-Nonsense, which is a Breath of Fresh Air. That whole album has inspired me again and again and again. I saw them live at Scheldapen in Antwerp - which is a small squatted venue - and it was One of the Best Concerts Ever.
4. Sparklehorse | Home Coming Queen
This song is so Shy, so Contained and Held-Back. To me, it translates the Modesty of Having a Secret Crush. You feel both Sick and Empowered; while Everything Around You Shifts in Function of Those Feelings. A little Bewilderment, some Amazement, and a lot of Despair. I always regretted not going to see Sparklehorse Live when I had the chance, because now I never will, since Mark Linkous died in 2010.
5. Sigur Rós | Sæglópur
Like my number one, this also is a True Masterpiece. It reminds me of a Birth; it takes you from a Warm Protected Shelter, out on a Violent Rollercoaster - Bursting Through a Storm of Harsh Beauty and Sheer Amazement. It’s Overwhelming and Majestic. Whether it be Positive or Negative, it’s about the Experience; and Only at the End you Draw your Conclusion.
6. Eels | I Need Some Sleep
A Beautiful Heart-Breaking Song that Everyone Can Identify With At Times. It’s about More Than Insomnia: it’s about Being Haunted - Not Being Left Alone. There’s Something Manic about this song: it has that element of Obsession with one's Own Train of Thought that just Keeps Going in Circles. It’s about Being Stuck, and Not Having the Energy to Change It. You Wallow in Self-Pity for a While, and then Try to Move On.

7. Joy Division | Decades
This song is so Incredibly Desolate. It speaks of one who has Abandoned All Hope; who Hides in Passionless and Thoughtless Solitude. This song is from One of the Most Important Albums Ever to me, because it marks a Special Time in my Youth.
8. Bright Eyes | First Day Of My Life
A tune that also marks a Certain Phase in my Life, where I was having a lot of Fun, but still had a Special Feeling of Melancholy to it. But the Good Kind of Melancholy. The kind that Makes You Realise that you're Living an Unique Time, that you’ll be Missing when it's Over. And I was Right.
9. Sophia | Ship In The Sand
This song only exists in the released Live Version. The singer, Robin Proper-Shepard comes from another band that’s hugely important to me: The God Machine. It marks my Last Years of Highschool. Very Nice Memories of Hanging Out with Friends, Great Conversations and Parties. But also the Pressing Feeling of what the hell comes next?... This song is exactly about that. It’s about Learning From Mistakes, the Willingness To Change, and the Feeling of Having to Let Go of the Past.
10. The Smashing Pumpkins | Blank Page
Anyone who has ever Loved and Lost Will Identify with this... This song is Violence turned Inward, Anger Without Passion. It’s the Raw Intoxication of Loneliness. It’s not just about Losing Someone; it’s about Feeling that a Part of Yourself has Been Changed. There’s still a Poetic Licence to Those Emotions, because they Wash Over You, and Cover You like a Blanket. While You Explore the Depths of Your Capacity to Feel.
+11. Pearl Jam | Nothingman
Another Important Song that marks a Time in My Life Where I Had No Clue Where I Was Going, but I was Kind of Enjoying that State of Limbo. When you’re in your Early Twenties, You Can Let Yourself Just Experience Life for a Little While. And Have Fun While Doing It, Whithout Figuring Out Where You’re Headed. So You Stop Analysing and Remain Directionless. This song has that Passion and Soul. It Screams for Life with Torment and Anger. It Claws at the Walls and Howls for Freedom. That’s the Restless Vigor of Youth.
+12. Neil Young & Crazy Horse | My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
The Ultimate Song to Honor the Spirit of Rock and Roll. It Transcends Any Genre of Music, it Speaks a Universal Truth that Will Mean Something New to You As You Grow Older. It’s Most Famous for being quoted in Kurt Cobain’s Suicide Letter, but I don’t like to think of it that way. It’s an Ode to Life, Not Death.
+13. Nine Inch Nails | Right Where It Belongs
Amazing Song, by an artist that is the True Icon for Modern Independent Music.
SIDE B | by Peter van Ewijk
1. Lamb | One
Louise Rhodes is an Amazing Singer whose voice Carries So Much Emotion it Floors me Everytime. Their album What Sound is a Work of Art. It also contains the track Gabriel, but somehow, One just takes the Limelight for me.
2. Pearl Jam | Even Flow
I was in Nordenau, Germany once, walking around. It was Devastatingly Quiet there, Unsettling even. But then I started playing Pearl Jam’s Even Flow in my ears and the World Became Familiar Again.
3. Nick Drake | River Man
Such Melancholy combined with Lyrical Genius. Nick Drake’s Music is Perfect for Dreary Autumn Days in the City.
4. Miles Davis | So What
Kind Of Blue was my First Jazz album and it is still my favorite one. So many Jazz Legends combined on one Recording. Must Have.
5. Tindersticks | Another Night In
+Rented Rooms... Stuart Staples’ Dark and Warm Vocals, the String Arrangement, the Bleak Atmosphere, it all Makes You Wish You Could Be A Part of a Hopper Painting, while Drinking Scotch and Wearing a Snazzy Suit. It’s the Epitome of Cool.

6. Moderat | Rusty Nails
This song Keeps on Haunting Me. From the First Time I Heard It until Right Now. Literally, I’m listening to it, while you are reading this.
7. Damien Rice | Cold Water (feat. Lisa Hannigan)
The Modern Day Bard. His Lyrical Strength is Unbelievable and He Creates These Intense Pockets of Sincerity. I Love Everything He Does, especially the BBC 4 sessions.
8. Nine Inch Nails | Everyday Is Exactly The Same
The Gritty, Dirty Sound of Nine Inch Nails with their Perfect Description of a Grey Existence goes Right to the Bone. It helps that Reznor is a badass when it comes to Verbally Melting Your Face Off!
9. Stevie Wonder | Superstition
Hear that Bassline. Stevie Wonder brings Soul and Funk in a way that keeps on being So Fresh. I don’t care who samples him or covers him, His Version is Always Better.
10. Etta James | At Last (Glenn Miller Cover)
Recently Discovered her and I can Truly say that I’m Hooked on her voice and her songs. She delivers the goods with a Heartbreaking Sincerity. Shivers down my Spine, people, Shivers.
1. Sigur Rós | untitled #1 (a.k.a. Vaka)
This has been my Favorite Song for Several Years. Like a lot of the work of Sigur Rós, it is so Intense and Pure that it pinches the Heart, while Soothing the Soul. It’s the Most Real and Honest Song I’ve Ever Heard. This tune is Rooted So Deep within my heart, that just the Little Crackling Noise at the Beginning will set of an Emotional Reaction. I go back to this song every time I need to Heal. By the way, the clip of this tune is the only videoclip that could Ever make me Cry, and it still does.
2. Bloc Party | Where Is Home? (Burial Remix)
What can I say... It’s Burial. So you know it’s going to be Bleak, Lonely and Alien. And also Genius. Most people are fond of his song Archangel, but this one just Hits me so Much Harder. It’s Perfect. I will never listen to the Original Version by Bloc Party, because I’m afraid it might take some of the Atmosphere away. I'm the kind of person that doesn't want to know how the Magician did his trick.
3. The Black Heart Procession | We Always Knew
To me, this is the Most Philosophical Song Ever Written. It speaks with such Clarity about Amazing Indepth Truths... Every time I listen to it, I discover Something New. It’s Poetic, but at the same time Very No-Nonsense, which is a Breath of Fresh Air. That whole album has inspired me again and again and again. I saw them live at Scheldapen in Antwerp - which is a small squatted venue - and it was One of the Best Concerts Ever.
4. Sparklehorse | Home Coming Queen
This song is so Shy, so Contained and Held-Back. To me, it translates the Modesty of Having a Secret Crush. You feel both Sick and Empowered; while Everything Around You Shifts in Function of Those Feelings. A little Bewilderment, some Amazement, and a lot of Despair. I always regretted not going to see Sparklehorse Live when I had the chance, because now I never will, since Mark Linkous died in 2010.
5. Sigur Rós | Sæglópur
Like my number one, this also is a True Masterpiece. It reminds me of a Birth; it takes you from a Warm Protected Shelter, out on a Violent Rollercoaster - Bursting Through a Storm of Harsh Beauty and Sheer Amazement. It’s Overwhelming and Majestic. Whether it be Positive or Negative, it’s about the Experience; and Only at the End you Draw your Conclusion.
6. Eels | I Need Some Sleep
A Beautiful Heart-Breaking Song that Everyone Can Identify With At Times. It’s about More Than Insomnia: it’s about Being Haunted - Not Being Left Alone. There’s Something Manic about this song: it has that element of Obsession with one's Own Train of Thought that just Keeps Going in Circles. It’s about Being Stuck, and Not Having the Energy to Change It. You Wallow in Self-Pity for a While, and then Try to Move On.

7. Joy Division | Decades
This song is so Incredibly Desolate. It speaks of one who has Abandoned All Hope; who Hides in Passionless and Thoughtless Solitude. This song is from One of the Most Important Albums Ever to me, because it marks a Special Time in my Youth.
8. Bright Eyes | First Day Of My Life
A tune that also marks a Certain Phase in my Life, where I was having a lot of Fun, but still had a Special Feeling of Melancholy to it. But the Good Kind of Melancholy. The kind that Makes You Realise that you're Living an Unique Time, that you’ll be Missing when it's Over. And I was Right.
9. Sophia | Ship In The Sand
This song only exists in the released Live Version. The singer, Robin Proper-Shepard comes from another band that’s hugely important to me: The God Machine. It marks my Last Years of Highschool. Very Nice Memories of Hanging Out with Friends, Great Conversations and Parties. But also the Pressing Feeling of what the hell comes next?... This song is exactly about that. It’s about Learning From Mistakes, the Willingness To Change, and the Feeling of Having to Let Go of the Past.
10. The Smashing Pumpkins | Blank Page
Anyone who has ever Loved and Lost Will Identify with this... This song is Violence turned Inward, Anger Without Passion. It’s the Raw Intoxication of Loneliness. It’s not just about Losing Someone; it’s about Feeling that a Part of Yourself has Been Changed. There’s still a Poetic Licence to Those Emotions, because they Wash Over You, and Cover You like a Blanket. While You Explore the Depths of Your Capacity to Feel.
+11. Pearl Jam | Nothingman
Another Important Song that marks a Time in My Life Where I Had No Clue Where I Was Going, but I was Kind of Enjoying that State of Limbo. When you’re in your Early Twenties, You Can Let Yourself Just Experience Life for a Little While. And Have Fun While Doing It, Whithout Figuring Out Where You’re Headed. So You Stop Analysing and Remain Directionless. This song has that Passion and Soul. It Screams for Life with Torment and Anger. It Claws at the Walls and Howls for Freedom. That’s the Restless Vigor of Youth.
+12. Neil Young & Crazy Horse | My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)
The Ultimate Song to Honor the Spirit of Rock and Roll. It Transcends Any Genre of Music, it Speaks a Universal Truth that Will Mean Something New to You As You Grow Older. It’s Most Famous for being quoted in Kurt Cobain’s Suicide Letter, but I don’t like to think of it that way. It’s an Ode to Life, Not Death.
+13. Nine Inch Nails | Right Where It Belongs
Amazing Song, by an artist that is the True Icon for Modern Independent Music.

1. Lamb | One
Louise Rhodes is an Amazing Singer whose voice Carries So Much Emotion it Floors me Everytime. Their album What Sound is a Work of Art. It also contains the track Gabriel, but somehow, One just takes the Limelight for me.
2. Pearl Jam | Even Flow
I was in Nordenau, Germany once, walking around. It was Devastatingly Quiet there, Unsettling even. But then I started playing Pearl Jam’s Even Flow in my ears and the World Became Familiar Again.
3. Nick Drake | River Man
Such Melancholy combined with Lyrical Genius. Nick Drake’s Music is Perfect for Dreary Autumn Days in the City.
4. Miles Davis | So What
Kind Of Blue was my First Jazz album and it is still my favorite one. So many Jazz Legends combined on one Recording. Must Have.
5. Tindersticks | Another Night In
+Rented Rooms... Stuart Staples’ Dark and Warm Vocals, the String Arrangement, the Bleak Atmosphere, it all Makes You Wish You Could Be A Part of a Hopper Painting, while Drinking Scotch and Wearing a Snazzy Suit. It’s the Epitome of Cool.

6. Moderat | Rusty Nails
This song Keeps on Haunting Me. From the First Time I Heard It until Right Now. Literally, I’m listening to it, while you are reading this.
7. Damien Rice | Cold Water (feat. Lisa Hannigan)
The Modern Day Bard. His Lyrical Strength is Unbelievable and He Creates These Intense Pockets of Sincerity. I Love Everything He Does, especially the BBC 4 sessions.
8. Nine Inch Nails | Everyday Is Exactly The Same
The Gritty, Dirty Sound of Nine Inch Nails with their Perfect Description of a Grey Existence goes Right to the Bone. It helps that Reznor is a badass when it comes to Verbally Melting Your Face Off!
9. Stevie Wonder | Superstition
Hear that Bassline. Stevie Wonder brings Soul and Funk in a way that keeps on being So Fresh. I don’t care who samples him or covers him, His Version is Always Better.
10. Etta James | At Last (Glenn Miller Cover)
Recently Discovered her and I can Truly say that I’m Hooked on her voice and her songs. She delivers the goods with a Heartbreaking Sincerity. Shivers down my Spine, people, Shivers.