1. AbdeCaf | The 27TH (feat. A$AP P On The Boards)
This is my Perfect Summer Jam, So Mellow and Warm. It makes me wanna Drive Slow with an Arm Out the Window and the Bass Shaking My Guts. Everything AbdeCaf Touches is Gold. Everything P On The Boards Touches is Gold. Enough Said.
2. AyGeeTee | Vagaries
AMDISCS is a Religion and AyGeeTee is a Deity. I Love Their New Album, Fools, and this track is Especially Killer. It's got a Circling Stereo Groove as a Foundation and Slowly Builds these Really Angelic Samples. When I'm Low I Play This For Ascension. Worship Worthy for Sure.
3. Ministry | The Angel
One of my Favorite Yracks of All Time. It finds its way on every mix tape I ever make so I figured it should be on my Imaginary One. Whispery Vocals, Dark Droney Synths, Repetitive Lo-Fi Groove. Yeah, it's a Primary Influence on My Work.
4. SSION | Feels Good Forever (Norrit Remix)
Kansas City doin' Kansas City. I love SSION but, man, Norrit took it to The Next Level with this one. That Crazy Elastic Synth Line is So Sexy and Uneasy and Those Tape Saturated Drums Really Drive the Whole Thing. Makes me Wanna Dance at Some Sweaty Dingy Warehouse Party in the West Bottoms.
5. Another Green World | Submission (Summer Remix)
A Great Track Originally and Dare I Say Even Better as a Remix? The Twisting Guitars and Heartfelt Vocals Blend to Make a Really Bitter Sweet Type of Atmosphere. This one Hits Me in My Nostalgia Muscle and I Love It For That. I Can't Wait to Hear his Second Full Length Coming Out Soon.

6. Umberto | The Investigation
Another Amazing Kansas City Artist. I first heard Umberto from a split 7" he did with CVLTS and ever since I've been Smitten. Dark, Cinematic and Minimal. I also really dig that Rich Analog Warmth that his tracks Always Manage to Ooze. The Investigation is Especially Awesome Because of its Driving Beat.
7. Pet Shop Boys | Love Comes Quickly
An Old Favorite that I Always Come Back To. Reminds Me of Riding the Bus to Work After School with my Headphones On, Staring Out the Window at the City Rushing By.
8. Digital Natives | Groovevateer
Everything on the It's All Point Blank tape. Everything Beer On The Rug. Everything Vapor. I'll Throw This On and Vibe Out as I Do the Dishes and Dust the End Tables. Psychedelic Spring Ceaner, Yo.
9. The Normal | Warm Leatherette
Another One of My All Time Favs. I wish Trent Reznor and Peter Murphy hadn't already covered it because I have Always Wanted To. I'de like to Slow It Down, Give It A Little More Melody and Make It Super Sexy, but Maintain That Creepy Dark Vibe. Who knows, Maybe I Still Will One Day.
10. Heurco S. | Amsu
One of best KC artists. Honestly, the Music He Creates is Beyond Music. I Can't Think Of Anything Else That Sounds Like It. There Are Probably Some Aliens Circling Our Galaxy Right Now Beaming These Tunes Down to Earth and Heurco S. has Simply Managed to Find the Right Frequency Necessary to Incept Their Galactic Communiqué. I think he has a 12" coming out Soon too. Can't Wait.