WARMER MIXTAPES #729 | by James Smith [Jmzs Smith]
1. The Beatles | Why Don't We Do It In The Road?
Because it's the Beatles. And its' So Precise. To the Point. And Dirty. There Isn't One Unnecessary Sound. It Ends When You Want It To Go On And On… And it has My Favorite Drum Fills.
2. Bob Dylan | Ballad Of A Thin Man
Always Reminds Me of Driving Thru Tennessee and Finding It On Vinyl at an Odd Roadside Trailer, it Wasn't In Great Condition or That Cheap - but it Still Smells Like Tennessee: Long Roads, Barns, Rushing Freight Trains and Cotton Fields.
3. Daft Punk | Around The World
The Classic Definition of Groove. And When the Filter Finally Opens in the Beginning of the Track and You Hear the Main Synth Line… Euphoric… Music for Lonely Robots on E. And the Video is Just Brilliant. Hasn't Aged A Day.
4. David Bowie | Rock 'N' Roll Suicide
The Acoustic Intro Broken Up by the Solo Kick Drum, Sounds So Lost in Space and Time, as if it's Being Played by Spiders on Mars…. When an Asteroid is About to Hit the Earth in the Afternoon; When the World Ends - I Will Put This Song On.
5. The Doors | People Are Strange
The Lyrics Says It All… Just Don't Listen To It When You're Hung Over. And Your Life Is Falling Apart Around You. Trust Me On That.
6. Elvis Presley | Heartbreak Hotel
I Just Wish that When I Was In Memphis I Had Gone to See Sun Studios Where It Was Recorded, since I listened to it All the Way Driving Down There in the Car. But Memphis wasn't quite what I expected… Dollar Stores Barricaded Like Banks. Empty Streetcars. But that's Another Story…
7. The Rolling Stones | Heart Of Stone
My Favorite Guitar Solo on Any Rolling Stones Track is in this Song - when Keith goes tw-tw- twanng- g--ggg...

8. Serge Gainsbourg | Mister Iceberg
The Faraway Congas. The Female Backup Singers, Low in the Mix… The Perfect Icy Disco Tune. Can listen to it All Night and Still Love that Motoric Rhythm. Disco on the Rocks.
9. Serge Gainsbourg | Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'en Vais
70's French Chamber Pop/Rock. What's Not To Love About A Song That Mentions Paul Verlaine, uses a Triangle for Percussion and has a Woman Sobbing Into an Expensive Microphone in a Recording Studio in London in 1973?
10. Yeah Yeah Yeahs | Y Control
This is what the New York City Subway feels like When You're Drunk at 5 in the Morning. Going Home.
+11. The Kinks | Sunny Afternoon
In So Many Ways the Perfect Pop Song for me. The Bass and Piano Line Stuck in My Head Since the First Time I Heard It on the Jukebox in a Bar on the Lower East Side. And I Haven't Stopped Listening Since.
+12. LCD Soundsystem | Time To Get Away
For me the song that defines why LCD Soundsystem were the Embodiment of the New York Scene. The Tense Guitar, Closed In Drums, Rubbery Bass and Incisive Vocal. …It's like a Paranoid Version of a Chic Disco Track.
+13. The Kills | Ticket Man
A Brilliant End To An Album… The Chair Scrapes the Foor as Alison Sands Up from the Piano and Walks Out and Closes the Door and Walks Away...
+14. Franz Ferdinand | Auf Achse
It's a Friday Night in a Small Divey Dance Club in Glasgow. The Band Come On, Start Playing Their First Song. It Starts Slowly, the Muted Synth Melody... And then You See Her Across the Dance Floor… The Beat Quickens - You Want Her, But You Can't Have Her, and then You Tell Yourself You Don't Want Her. Is She That Special? Yes. No. Yes... No... Yes... No. But the Bass Line Keeps On Going.
+15. Iggy And The Stooges | I'm Sick Of You
I picked this up in a Resort Town on the Seaside during a Summer Trip. It was in a Bin of 45's behind the Cashier. It's the Only Thing I Remember About that Summer Trip.