WARMER MIXTAPES #752 | by Daniel Kobyakin [Sweet Random]
1. JMSN | Something (Liar Remix)
I’m not any good at doing lists to be honest. I’m pretty sure I will miss some of my favorite tunes and I will regret it, ‘cause that’s what I’m always doing. Anyway let’s just look at what’s living in my ears these days. As long as my alias is Sweet Random I just feel like I should start with a tune that I discovered randomly (it makes no sense I know). So this one is exactly that type of track. I was sure I heard all of the Liar’s stuff, but then one day Damscray send it to me with words like: MAN, IT’S SO DEEP IT’S MY FAV Liar’s TRACK EVER. And guess what? He was right. It’s absolutely outstanding. Deep and catchy. …And it won’t go away – self describing lyrics. The song that refuses to go away out of my ears.
2. DJ Shadow | Scale It Back (feat. Little Dragon) (Jonny Wanha Remix)
I'm following every Jonny’s step since I first encountered his beautiful tunes at MySpace (you can imagine how long ago it was). After few listens I purchased his EP and instantly felt in Love with his Music. This remix is some kind of quintessence of Jonny’s Music. It’s everything that makes me listen to his tunes over and over again.
3. Elsiane | Across The Stream
One of the most beautiful voices right here! This tune is from the year of 2007and it’s still one of the most playable tunes on my iPod. This song is just conquered me in a brutal manner. High Class Trip-Hop song. Lovely, Peaceful and absolutely dope.

4. Black Lab | Living Too Fast
Black Lab is literally an Unique band. I’m not going to retell their biography. It’s nothing Unique in their biography anyway. The only Unique thing about this band is their Music. They have created their own dimension, reversed everything we are used to consider Normal and they still don’t sounds Weird. They just sounds like they’ve come from another planet at least. This song is one of my favorites Black Lab’s tunes. They have more songs like this – don’t miss it.
5. k-os | CatDieseL
I can’t talk about k-os without complimenting him until everyone around is bored. This song is some kind of shelter for me. Every time I get Sad or Depressive I just turn this one on and I don’t need to think how bad things are anymore. It’s not Life-affirming or something. It’s just the song that makes me stop thinking of anything else. Try it.
6. Daphni | Ye Ye
No story behind this tune. It’s just so amazing and lush that I become jealous every time I listening to it. One of the few songs I wished I wrote myself. Sadly I didn’t. Must hear.

7. Fugenn & The White Elephants | Magnolia (feat. Ngatari)
Let’s start with telling that I discovered this tune just a few days ago and here we are – it’s in my list. What’s so special about it? What if I say it’s Everything. This song is 100% special, 100% Different and absolutely lovely. My heart is beating faster when this song is on.
8. Lorn | Weigh Me Down
The most Evil song I ever heard. It’s pure Evil. If Lucifer could choose the song that will be playing aloud when he will rise (if he even has such plans of course), this one should be number one contender. Perfect balance between Aggressiveness and Musicality. This song is one of a kind literally. And I mean it.
9. She Wants Revenge | Save Your Soul
The title of this song is quite Topical don’t you think? She Wants Revenge is the band that doesn’t exist anymore. The band that still affects me, inspires me and makes me singing along with them. EVERY. FREAKING. TIME.
10. Zeromancer | Fractured
I still have some Depressive tunes to share, yay. This one is very Personal to me. I was kinda broke and this tune was kinda all about the shit I felt at the moment. It not helped. I guess it’s even made things worse, but it was exactly what I needed at the moment. I still love this tune, but prefer to listen it less often than I did before.