WARMER MIXTAPES #783 | by Adriaan De Roover [Oaktree]
Photo by Bavo Dockx.
1. Burial | Archangel
I can't imagine my music would sound as it does without Burial. His music has had such an impact on the Electronic Music you hear today (or at least the stuff that interests me). Archangel is the first track I heard of him and probably his biggest hit. It's so deep and dark but, in a way, still catchy enough for Daytime Radio.
2. Olaf Stuut | Over The Hill
I know Olaf Stuut personally and he's a great guy making great Music. His Music has always been fascinating to me. This track shows the Musicality in Techno can go further than four 3th chords. The progression in this track makes me euphoric and sad at the same time. It doesn't make me happy, but I do like the feeling, it's addictive. The videoclip, made by his brother, is actually quite brilliant as well.
3. Nils Frahm | Familiar
I can't even describe how much I love this song. It breathes, it lives, it's so fucking beautiful.
4. Björk | All Is Full Of Love
The whole Homogenic album is a masterpiece. The Production is Insane. This is something my parents would play in the living room and we would all sing along. It's only ten years later that I realised how sick the beats were...
5. Billy Cobham | Heather
This, of course, is the track where Souls Of Mischief got there amazing fundaments for 93 'Til Infinity. But I actually got to know it first through a Drum 'N' Bass track (Solitary Native by Alix Perez and Sabre) which samples the same chords. Both could be in this list but most credits need to go to Billy Cobham.
6. Alicia Keys | Un-Thinkable (I'm Ready)
I never listen to lyrics, I don't know what Alicia Keys is singing about in this song, but I believe every word of it.

7. Angelo Badalamenti And David Lynch | New Shoes
Repeat, repeat, repeat...
8. Push | Universal Nation
Probably quite an outsider in this list. While 99% of Trance Music feels predigested to me and this track has something very pure and naive - which I really like. I went looking for this track after I watched the documentary The Sound Of Belgium (which is really good).
9. Bonobo | Dismantling Frank
This is the first Bonobo track I heard. I love everything the man touches, he's quite an inspiration. I didn't like the last album as much as it's predecessors though.
10. Stephan Bodzin | Sonnenwind
Another hero... Still haven't seen a Bodzin Live show yet, it's on the top of my list.
+11. Pink Floyd | Echoes
I only got into Pink Floyd this year. Of course I could hum along some of the big hits, but it wasn't until the violist from my Live band (who is a massive Floyd fan) introduced me to all this amazing Music. We sat together a whole night and just listened to Pink Floyd - sounds pretty hippy, and it actually was. The experience was overwhelming. I can't choose a favourite yet, but Echoes is great.
+12. Trentemøller | Moan
I could not make a list without this song. It has got everything in it.