First of all, thanks for your invitation, it was a very rare and good occasion to dig deep inside to find out what really moves me. It's a rare occasion, 'cause usually one judges the Music mainly in a Social context, but this Imaginary Mixtape made me looking at me through a Musical Mirror to find out how I look inside, what songs triggers the Deepest Emotions. I don't know if forever, but for sure for now. (As a collateral damage, digging through inside and outside, I was really badly impressed about the amount of Music that moved me in the past, but it's kind of Deaf Music right now.)
Now, speaking of Emotions.
Now, speaking of Emotions.
1. Wild Beasts | Lion's Share
Overwhelming. One of the very few songs that makes me shiver. Shame on me 'cause I discovered very recently this song, after seeing the band playing Live in Bucharest. I was quite shocked then by the change of a Paradigm: though I perceive it as being (Indie) Rock Music, I was blown out by the Voice of the Singer, about its Tenderness, Soft and Personal Power as opposed to the barking Rock Voices I grow up with. Intimate Male Rock, but without any Machoism attached. The song reminds me of the very, very fragile condition we (I for sure, maybe you too, and some other as well) have in this short passage on Earth called Life. Someone is speaking to me, is singing to me with a so Tragic and Soft Voice it almost hurts. I feel like wanting to break from Inside to Outside to reach the Other Outside, the one I long for, the one that's waiting at each and every step and corner of this Life. Waiting and calling, and letting me feel a delicate Thunder, a blow in the Wind, Powerful and Powerless at the same time. Pure Metaphysic. It's a terrible scare, but that's why the Dark is there...
2. Solar Bears | Twin Stars
Within the same Paradigm of a Music that speaks to my Inner Self, the one that knows that beyond this Life is something more. Even if it recalls feelings of my Human Weakness as opposed to what seems so Powerful around and beyond, it also speaks about Hope, and connects me with some part inside that knows somehow for sure that one day the connection will be re-established, and that this Shine a Light on the things around.
3. Pink Floyd | Wish You Were Here
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here...
What can I say more. It perfectly summarizes the feelings described before. I remember listening to this beautiful album from a Casette back in the '80s. I was profoundly moved by two things: one is the Album Cover. I didn't get the idea at that time, but now as I'm writing I guess that maybe the guy shaking hand with another guy with the costume on Fire, in that Lonely and Surrealistic Town surrounding, it's a Metaphor of us trying to shake hands and to connect the burned and wounded side inside us with something more Integer, an Ideal Benevolent Self.

4. Pink Floyd | Welcome To The Machine
The second thing that strikes me about this album, and especially with this song, is the subtle blending of Artificial Cold and Synthetic Emotions and the Human Feelings, expressed through Voice and Guitar Chords and Hooks. This Voice that so tragically is welcoming us inside the Machine creates a strange feeling of a warm abandonment that makes me every time I listen to it to Give Up and Enter.
5. Trio Fratres | The Model (Kraftwerk Cover)
This is an YouTube discovery for sure, I was searching for Kraftwerk Covers and Remixes. Trio Fratres is a Finnish Accordion Trio, the Videoclip for the song features some Finnish Folk Dance performed by women and men wearing Traditional suits, and shot in Slow Motion, so it gives a very Warm Reinterpretation of Kraftwerk's hit. It almost Sound like a Folk song, Finnish or not, but it is so well contrasting with the Coldness of the Original. Heartbreaking Double Nostalgia.
6. Tonbruket | Sailor Waltz
The Cello on this song sits right in the middle of my heart and tell this story about a Sea of Loneliness, Hopes, Memories. Very Grave, Powerful and Sinuous. Like a Travel, makes me feel like being inside a Heartbeat.

7. Junior Byles | Fade Away
This is a track from the Rockers Soundtrack, out in 1979. I never seen the Movie, I was in my Dub Roots period, and I instantly felt a connection with the Lyrics, the Voice and the Tragic Life of this man that, after being a star in Jamaica, ended up living on the street, scavenging for food in dumpsters, and begging from passers-by. A Testament.
8. The Animals | House Of The Rising Sun
It's a Classic, and a Hit. The guys are so Cool, especially the Singer and the Organ Player. And the Organ Play is what makes me come back to this song and feel hypnotized every time I listen to it. How come they have so much Power in their guts? From where comes that finger running on the Organ Keyboard that resonates so deep inside me? So Wild West, so Cool.
9. Crystal Castles | Love And Caring
Long after stoping listening to Indie Music, I got caught by this brutal combination of a Nintendo Sound and the Distorted Voice of a girl. Maybe it's too harsh, but the way she shouts her Emotions, even if I hardly understand the Lyrics, instantly remind me that a very part of me is rebelling against the World, and sometimes is good to show your Love this way, your bleeding Love for a bleeding Life ending so soon, so Fast.
10. Droict | Cypher Whisper
If I had a Voice and some Talent on Verse Writing I would sing on this track all the Themes listed and developed before. But I don't, so I listen to this Hyper Cypher Whispered Voice, close my eyes, live the Rebellion outside, wonder from where it comes and where it goes, and why there's this Distant Synth calling for better in me. And I give up getting outside of the Machine, trying to Listen how much as I can, how long as I can.
I broke the rules: I actually made the mixtape. And indeed I found something else about Music in relation with this Self Writing to you. It feels good, so thanks again.
Music is about Discovering Yourself.
Music is about Discovering Yourself.