WARMER MIXTAPES #935 | by John Morgan [Liable]
1. A Tribe Called Quest | Electric Relaxation
A Hip-Hop Classic. You can always count on Tribe for good Beats and great Lyrics. Midnight Marauders, the album this is from, is probably my favourite Hip-Hop album, which is saying a lot!
2. Youthman | Brother Don’t Cry (feat. Luce)
A rather more obscure choice, but there’s something special about this track that I’ve never quite been able to put my finger on.
3. Burial & Four Tet | Moth
Burial and Four Tet are two of my All-Time Favourite Producers, it’d feel wrong not to include them in this list. What’s more, whilst I’m killing two birds with one stone, this is probably my favourite track by either of them. There’s nothing better than listening to this track late at night.
4. Radiohead | Everything In Its Right Place
Radiohead have got to be my Favourite Band Ever, Top 3 anyway. This is my favourite track by them, the first track of one of my Favourite Albums Ever – Kid A. Seeing them perform this in 2009 was the most captivating piece of Live Music I’ve seen.
5. Atu | Lately (feat. Asante)
This has got to be the Best Track of 2013 for me. Atu is a great Musician, cannot wait to hear more Music from him.

6. Stray | When It Rains
The most Chilling piece of Music I think I’ve Ever Heard. It sort of just takes you away. I don’t know if you know what I’m talking about, but it’s the kind of track which makes you feel like you’re in a Movie. That’s what I’ve always thought anyway! Another track perfect for late at night.
7. Arcade Fire | The Suburbs
Another track that was propelled into being one of my favourite songs through an incredible Live Performance back in 2010. Incredible album, and this Title Track has got to be the highlight for me.
8. Dave Matthews Band | Stolen Away On 55th & 3rd
I think a lot of people might think Dave Matthews Band is a bit of a corny choice, but I grew up being a big fan and still am today. They’re great Songwriters, and I feel like this track proves it. One of those tracks that brings you right back to the time that you used to listen to it regularly.
9. Phaeleh | A Different Time
Another favourite track from 2013. Phaeleh is one of the most exciting Producers right now. I took my first flight ever this summer, and listened to this album, Tides, for the first time. Was such a special moment when this track came on, really blew me away.
10. De La Soul | Stakes Is High
Couldn’t have a list of my 10 favourite tracks without J Dilla. This is probably my favourite track he Produced. The Music Industry is certainly much worse off without him; it’s a real shame.
+11. Sufjan Stevens | John Wayne Gacy, Jr.
Illinois... Whilst I’ve reached my 10 track limit, I feel like I should also mention this album. If you’ve never listened I’d really recommend it. Got to be my Favourite Album Ever, although I’m sure it’ll be superseded at some point in the Future!