WARMER MIXTAPES #963 | by Kyle Haughey (Swearwolves) and John Markey of Young Aviators
SIDE A | by John Markey
1. The 4 Of Us | I Just Can't Get Enough
An Irish band from the city of Newry next to our hometown. I listened to their first two albums religiously and probably wouldn't be in a band today if it wasn't for them. This song in particular was a major influence. The Drum Beat made me want to pick up sticks and make something as cool myself.
2. Massive Attack | Teardrop (with Elizabeth Fraser)
A Classic. Seeing this Live when I was 19 was immense. It's perhaps a bit overplayed, like a trope for Epic Scenery in a Computer-Game Trailer or an Emotional Scene in a Television Drama, but it's still a favourite.
3. The Vines | Highly Evolved
A three piece Grunge Band playing songs about Youth and being fecked off? Aye, I'll take that.
4. The B-52's | Channel Z
I had this album on Cassette as a child. Don't ask me how I got it. Loved the whole thing. A pretty Camp song to know all the Lyrics to.
5. Leftfield | Swords
Amazing. With an awesome Music Video too. Perfect song for anything that takes place lying down.

6. Tom Vek | C-C (You Set The Fire In Me)
Sums up my last Summer living in Ireland better than any other album brings me back to any other time in my life. This is a highlight, but the whole thing is immense, particularly The Lower The Sun. This tune is another Drum-tastic beast. Magic considering he recorded the whole thing himself.
7. The Prodigy | 3 Kilos
Another trippy Escape tune. Reminds me of 6am and Haze.
8. Tom Waits | New Coat Of Paint
Chilled Blues Magic. This song actually inspired to me to start taking Piano lessons when I was younger. Cheers, Tom.
9. Ralph Vaughn Williams | The Call (from 5 Mystical Songs) (Performed by The Choristers Of St. Paul's Cathedral with the City of London Sinfonia; Soloist: Philip Martin)
Well, I do have a Music Degree after all. Based on Medieval Modal English Church Music. Beautiful.
10. Skip James | Hard Time Killing Floor Blues
Remarkable song. Hairs on the back of my neck stuff.

1. The 4 Of Us | I Just Can't Get Enough
An Irish band from the city of Newry next to our hometown. I listened to their first two albums religiously and probably wouldn't be in a band today if it wasn't for them. This song in particular was a major influence. The Drum Beat made me want to pick up sticks and make something as cool myself.
2. Massive Attack | Teardrop (with Elizabeth Fraser)
A Classic. Seeing this Live when I was 19 was immense. It's perhaps a bit overplayed, like a trope for Epic Scenery in a Computer-Game Trailer or an Emotional Scene in a Television Drama, but it's still a favourite.
3. The Vines | Highly Evolved
A three piece Grunge Band playing songs about Youth and being fecked off? Aye, I'll take that.
4. The B-52's | Channel Z
I had this album on Cassette as a child. Don't ask me how I got it. Loved the whole thing. A pretty Camp song to know all the Lyrics to.
5. Leftfield | Swords
Amazing. With an awesome Music Video too. Perfect song for anything that takes place lying down.

6. Tom Vek | C-C (You Set The Fire In Me)
Sums up my last Summer living in Ireland better than any other album brings me back to any other time in my life. This is a highlight, but the whole thing is immense, particularly The Lower The Sun. This tune is another Drum-tastic beast. Magic considering he recorded the whole thing himself.
7. The Prodigy | 3 Kilos
Another trippy Escape tune. Reminds me of 6am and Haze.
8. Tom Waits | New Coat Of Paint
Chilled Blues Magic. This song actually inspired to me to start taking Piano lessons when I was younger. Cheers, Tom.
9. Ralph Vaughn Williams | The Call (from 5 Mystical Songs) (Performed by The Choristers Of St. Paul's Cathedral with the City of London Sinfonia; Soloist: Philip Martin)
Well, I do have a Music Degree after all. Based on Medieval Modal English Church Music. Beautiful.
10. Skip James | Hard Time Killing Floor Blues
Remarkable song. Hairs on the back of my neck stuff.

1. Rocket From The Crypt | On A Rope
This was a band I found completely accidentally and ironically enough on a Mix Tape. They're a Ska Punk band who didn't really make it over here in the UK or that well in America, but sometimes it's those little bands who don't get much of a chance who end up coming up with those little hooks that stick in your head that stay with you forever. In fact, I am in two mind of whether to put the entire album Scream, Dracula, Scream! into my top ten.
2. Rancid | Maxwell Murderer
Oh, this takes me back to the days of playing Tony Hawks on the Playstation, I think I played the One Level on repeat for weeks just because of the Bass Solo. This song was one song that got me into more Alternative Punk, but I was still really into my Punk and Metal when growing up, so you can probably guess where this mix tape is going.
3. The Offspring | Self Esteem
This is one of my favourite bands to be honest, I had a hard choice between picking this and Gone Away, both songs spoke to me when growing up as an angsty teen and really helped me through a lot. The album Smash which this track came off was the first album I ever saved up for to buy and loved the fast paced chuggy Riffs with Upbeat Drumming, but juxtaposed with uncertainty of what Life brought. It made me realise that Even Depressing Songs can be Up Beat.
4. Iron Maiden | Brave New World
I'm somewhat of a strange one when it comes to my favourite songs, I enjoy the more Up Beat paced tunes which automatically made Iron Maiden one of my favourite bands and they still are. I was really excited about this album as it was the first time that they had Bruce Dickinson, Janick Gers and Adrian Smith all in the same lineup and I was anticipating this album for a long time before its release. I was dreading that it was going to be awful in the back of my mind as the two albums with Blaze Bayley failed to on power with previous releases. The Title Track is still amazing.
5. Gil Scott-Heron | Living In The Bottle
This track I absolutely Love, there is very little Motown that I can say a bad word about, but if I were to take a track with me to a Desert Island this would be the one that would get me through those Lonely Times. It is one of those Classic tunes that has been Covered so many time by so many different Artists. I'm a bit of a muso so I Love songs that have Funky Bass Lines that bounce through and make you want to dance or just wonder how the hell is he playing that?... As you'll probably see throughout these tracks I'm picking they are very heavily Bass oriented.
6. Blur | Charmless Man
A Brit Pop Classic with a brilliant bouncing Bass Line. I Love the Lyrics as well, sung in such an Antagonising way and we all know someone like that. Every time it comes on I still jump up and start singing it in that Brit Pop swaggering way. A really good song to stick on any Mix Tape for a party to get people going.

7. The Jam | Down In The Tube Station At Midnight
One of the Best Pop Bass Lines I Have Ever Heard Even To This Day. Bruce Foxton has been a great influence on my Bass Playing from a very early age. I remember playing this at a gig as a Cover and thinking, if I ever write a Bass Line as good as this, I can die happy.
8. Red Hot Chili Peppers | Aeroplane
Before they realised they could make Money out of that stagnated formula that made Stadium Arcadium they actually wrote very Intelligent and Musically Interesting songs. Once this came on MTV I would swing out the Air Slap Bass and start funking out to Flea's Funky Bass Lines that transcended their later monotonous Octave Playing D, C, G Pop play along for beginners. This was when they were at their Funkiest.
9. Fleetwod Mac | Big Love (Live In Boston 2003)
How many guitars do you think are playing in this? was the first question I was asked when I first listened to this. I was surprised to find out that there was just Lindsey Buckingham playing on his own. It's one of those moments where your mind is blown at the Complexity of How Something Could Be Difficult and Still Sound so Melodic. I ended up playing this for my GCSE Practical Piece.
10. Alice In Chains | Rooster
Whether its the Studio or the Live and Unplugged - I Love his song. The Drum Beat is amazing and the Harmonies... Well, nothing needs to be said. It's one of my teenage favourite songs that made me fall in Love with Complex Harmonies and probably influenced my own within the band.
+11. Frightened Rabbit | My Backwards Walk
This one had to be snuck in as the 11th track. The entire album The Midnight Organ Fight is a must listen to anyone who loves Intelligently Written Songs that cross over from Folk to Indie. The song is riddled with Imagery and similes that talks about trying to walk away from relationship that you know is bad for you but you can't help but stay.