1. Robert Miles | Children (Dream Version)
This song is something that completely involves you. From the outset the mood is inspiring! The first track I ever made, under a different Producer name, was a Remix of this one and it's part of the reason it has such great memories for me. It was the tune that opened up the world of Electronic Music to me. This song was my gateway. The first time I heard it I was at a Rave, the first one I went to. This song has been part of so many of my first experiences that I can't help but break a smile when I hear it!
2. Circles | Ruins
I Love how this song combines some really clever Melodic Structures with superb Technical and Rhythmic work. Although it's Metal, it has been massively influential on my Music and the approach I take to it. These guys could have been any average Screamo Tech Band, but instead took the time to do something different and to really focus on the important part: The Music. I like to take that approach too. I'm not big on having a fanbase who like my personality, but more a fanbase who appreciate the finer details of my Music. I first heard Ruins on one of our infamous drives from my friend's house to Band Practice (I used to play in a Metal Band) and we had this song on a Record Label Sample Disc and so it holds a lot of memories of joking about on the drives we used to have.
3. Owsey | The Melody That Plays Loud Through Sundown Skies
Pure Beauty captured in 3 minutes. I first heard this song on Soundcloud and had to instantly get it. This song has a really uplifting vibe, but most of all what sends me in to the Trance-like state is the Piano and the waves crashing in the background. It's nothing particularly difficult to play, nor is the Progression anything particularly Innovative, but it works so well. When I want my 5 minutes alone, I'll stick this track on, stare out of the window or go for a walk, have a little think. It's one of those tracks that allows you to breathe! It's truly inspiring work and as such I try and replicate this vibe from time to time with my Piano work.
4. BT | Race Wars (Night Rave) (The Fast And The Furious Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
BT, the man who produced the score for The Fast And The Furious Movie, captured each scene perfectly for me. I like this film because it, essentially, got me into Cars and they play a big part in my life now. In this track where the scene is shifting from a High Energy mood to something quite introverted and deep he captures it perfectly, but still manages to produce a track that makes sense outside of the Film. You can listen to it and not think "that was an odd shift in mood", it simply works and I think that is where the Beauty lies in this piece. The Transition is clearly very carefully thought out, and it makes it a clever piece for me. I like Clever Music and that's why this track is always on play!
5. Submotion Orchestra | It's Not Me It's You
Incredible. One word that describes this song, this group even. Their style is so different but has a clear purpose, and that is to make Music, Beautiful Music, where it doesn't have to be confined to Genre, infact Cross Genre stuff is clearly encouraged. Incredible Music Free from any Musical/Social confines. This is what it should all be about. Every Artist does it from time to time I'm sure, that scenario where you're sat there trying to make a Dubstep tune or something with a big Bass or whatever, and Submotion always serves as a reminder to me just to sit there and make whatever comes to my mind, whatever comes out of my fingers. I Love the Innovation and that's the reason Submotion places on this list!

6. Sorrow | Coke And A Twix
Another Piano song, but how incredible. Sorrow described it as Dusty Piano and I think that's exactly what it is! There's something very Raw and Emotive about it. There's so much that I feel Electronic Producers, especially those in the Future styles, can learn from great Piano work like this! When I walk through the area I live in the morning, which I can tel you isn't particularly nice, it's a real day brightner, sets me up in the right mood for the day ahead.
7. Alix Perez & Sabre | Solitary Native
Too many good memories from this song. The first time I heard it was on a friend's Mix CD whilst driving back the day after a big Rave. I remember that this song said everything I felt at the time, related to my life at the time. A teenager who didn't really know what he wanted to do, be, etc. All I knew was that I liked girls and partying (not that I don't now, but as you get older you start to slow it down a bit, focus on Work more). I loved how this song worked every mood I had. It could be sad, it could be happy, it could be chilled, it could be energetic. I enjoyed the Magic of it, and as I drove back the day I first heard this song, all 7 minutes of it, it might have been my slight tired haze, but I felt a definite connection with it and I have everytime since. I've always wanted to make one of these types of track, that someone somewhere will always relate to, and I think it's still yet to happen.
8. Caspa & Rusko | Rock Bottom
Another song I can never get enough of. I heard this first, again, when I was teenager whilst having a Mix with some Vinyl at a friend's house. I remember being completely in Love with the fact that all the way through there was a single String Section that played the exact same not for all 3 and a half minutes of the track continuously, and how that never got annoying. It sounded too beautiful. This song taught me a lot, most importantly how things in the background, that make a song excellent, don't have to be Complex and how Music can benefit from something more Simple than Complex. It's what I call the Layering Principle. Not sure it's a real thing though, haha!
9. Eva Cassidy | Autumn Leaves
We don't have singers like Eva anymore. I don't think they were particularly common back when she first poked her head into the Music Industry either to be honest. I first heard her work when I was young and didn't sleep very well. My grandmother used to sing Cassidy songs to me before bed, and naturally I developed an interest in her Music. What I like particularly about this song is that it paints a picture. I think it's sad that a lot of Music is very empty currently, and unless you know what it's about you don't see anything. This song could me a thousand things and paint a thousand different pictures in people's minds. No Autotune, just Pure Substance.
10. Synkro | Tell Me
This song is the First Future Garage Track I Ever Heard. This song opened up a Genre that became my life for a good few years and so it holds many memories for me. I Love that something so Electronic can cause such Emotion. Very Clever Music and it's still a Sound I'm trying to achieve. A Natural Vibe. It's very Mysterious to me and I would ultimately call it Bedroom Music. Not in the sense of a Couple Type Situation, but more something you listen to alone, and makes you reflective.