WARMER MIXTAPES #1154 | by Kamaliza Salamba (Kamaliza) and Nathan Mifsud (mmiiddii) of Olympic Ayres
SIDE A | by Nathan Mifsud
1. The Whitest Boy Alive | Courage
This is a band I can always count on, their albums Dreams and Rules are constants in my playlists. Perfect production, great lyrics, good bass lines and they show how simplicity can work! This song in particular sums all of that up... Show some courage!!!
2. LCD Soundsystem | 45:33 (Part 2)
The groove of this track is so on point. That piano riff!! That bass line!! James sounds so soulful on this track too... I love when a track can make you dance while maintaining a real emotional level at the same time, like you don’t know whether you should be dancing or crying...
3. Little Dragon | Shuffle A Dream
If it’s possible to be too good at being a band, Little Dragon would be that. Extremely talented producers, engineers and songwriters. Then you have Yukimi, such an unique voice and lyric writer. This is the song that got me hooked, I would listen to Ritual Union on repeat after this (and later got into Machine Dreams)... Feel good Music with deeper sentimental value than what you can just scratch on the surface.
4. Kanye West | Last Call
The College Dropout is an important album to me... It dropped right when I was in my last couple years of High School and was exactly what I needed to hear at that point in my life. Last Call is a 13 minute track where Kanye details his life up until the point the album dropped... I mean who does that? But listening to him and what he had gone through up until that point proved inspirational.
5. Kindness | Gee Up
BASSLINE!! I could leave it right there and it would be enough, but seriously that bassline though... This track blew me away when I first heard it... I couldn’t believe how perfect it was, I was instantly hooked. The only problem was it’s too short! Phillipe Zdar nailed the production as well... I'm listening to this right now, WOAAAHH.

6. Daft Punk | Something About Us
When I started going deeper into Daft Punk's catalogue than just the singles I discovered just how talented these robots are. This song ticks all the boxes I love in Music – great production, lyrics, tones and of course the bass line is on point.
7. Sébastien Tellier | Look
So smooth, I mean just listen to it.
8. The Weeknd | Wicked Games
That voice, those lyrics, that melody... I feel like I’m watching a movie when I listen to it... It paints strong images in my head.
9. Jungle | Busy Earnin’
This is new for me, I only heard it when it was released. I listened to it about 10 times in a row after my first listen. It's powerful and inspiring, and completely relevant.
10. Dornik | Something About You
Michael?? Is that you? … The modern day Jackson. Don’t know much about Dornik but this track was one of my favourites from 2013.
SIDE B | by Kamaliza Salamba
1. Jamiroquai | You Give Me Something
This track has one of the sexiest bass lines of all time. The string bridge is sweet-sweet mango! As usual, Jay Kay’s vocals are just top notch!
2. The Mars Volta | Televators
I really looked up to The Mars Volta growing up. They’re a band that’s never afraid to dive deep into the unknown and pull out something unheard of. There’s a ghostly vibe to what they do sonically. A dark moon shines brightly on this track and it still haunts me to this day – in a good way.
3. Tame Impala | Alter Ego
The dissonance in Kevin’s sound is powerful. The Music is sparse, colourful and gives you time and space to think and/or feel. I still have Inner Speaker and Lonerism on repeat. As a songwriter he’s nailed it.
4. N*E*R*D | Waiting For You
I’ve run out of adjectives for N*E*R*D/The Neptunes/Pharrell Williams. As producers they’re legends and, if I ever had to choose a role model, Skateboard P would be right up there.
I love the cinematic sound they employ. If we could remember the first time we looked into our mother’s eyes as babies and felt joy this song would come pretty close to describing it. The lyrical expression of Love to Pharrell's mother at the end gets me every time MAMA! I LOVE YOU!!!...
5. Q-Tip | Life Is Better (feat. Norah Jones)
The homage to all the MC’s in the rapping section just blew my mind. I love how Tip displays the musical affection he has for the people that left such an impression on him. Which is a real stark contrast in comparison to some of the Hip-Hop out there, which usually has a strong braggadocio nature.

6. Kendrick Lamar | A.D.H.D
UH-UH... FUCK DUT!... A lot of us (myself included) are not conscious of what we’re putting into our bodies while we’re out partying. Drugs and alcohol are intrinsic to the action of letting go and trying to forget about the stresses you feel in everyday life. This track has honest observations on the lengths people go to have a good time. The way in which Kendrick delivers his message is not so much a judgement but more an accurate narrative.
7. MGMT | Future Reflections
I’ve always been fascinated with Human endurance in a post-apocalyptic world. The end of Civilization as WE know it would leave no reference - we could start again. What a way to end an almost perfect album.
8. Bob Marley & The Wailers | I Shot The Sheriff
A modern day ticket to see Bob Marley live in concert would be priceless. This song proves why. You can’t deny that bassline, it’s on its own melodic journey but still sits perfectly within the whole mix.
9. Maxi Priest | Close To You
The story of yearning for someone that’s not good for you is timeless. This song was released the year I was born and my parents would still play it throughout all of my childhood. When Mum and Dad put on Music you knew they were in a good mood and that always made me feel happy.
10. Modest Mouse | Ocean Breathes Salty
I love Nature – plain and simple. Day by day the World and the Life in it keeps me in awe. Water to me = Emotion. The Ocean fascinates me and I love using it as an analogy for the vast emotion that’s in the World. Whenever I'm seaside this song will be the first that comes into my head.
1. The Whitest Boy Alive | Courage
This is a band I can always count on, their albums Dreams and Rules are constants in my playlists. Perfect production, great lyrics, good bass lines and they show how simplicity can work! This song in particular sums all of that up... Show some courage!!!
2. LCD Soundsystem | 45:33 (Part 2)
The groove of this track is so on point. That piano riff!! That bass line!! James sounds so soulful on this track too... I love when a track can make you dance while maintaining a real emotional level at the same time, like you don’t know whether you should be dancing or crying...
3. Little Dragon | Shuffle A Dream
If it’s possible to be too good at being a band, Little Dragon would be that. Extremely talented producers, engineers and songwriters. Then you have Yukimi, such an unique voice and lyric writer. This is the song that got me hooked, I would listen to Ritual Union on repeat after this (and later got into Machine Dreams)... Feel good Music with deeper sentimental value than what you can just scratch on the surface.
4. Kanye West | Last Call
The College Dropout is an important album to me... It dropped right when I was in my last couple years of High School and was exactly what I needed to hear at that point in my life. Last Call is a 13 minute track where Kanye details his life up until the point the album dropped... I mean who does that? But listening to him and what he had gone through up until that point proved inspirational.
5. Kindness | Gee Up
BASSLINE!! I could leave it right there and it would be enough, but seriously that bassline though... This track blew me away when I first heard it... I couldn’t believe how perfect it was, I was instantly hooked. The only problem was it’s too short! Phillipe Zdar nailed the production as well... I'm listening to this right now, WOAAAHH.

6. Daft Punk | Something About Us
When I started going deeper into Daft Punk's catalogue than just the singles I discovered just how talented these robots are. This song ticks all the boxes I love in Music – great production, lyrics, tones and of course the bass line is on point.
7. Sébastien Tellier | Look
So smooth, I mean just listen to it.
8. The Weeknd | Wicked Games
That voice, those lyrics, that melody... I feel like I’m watching a movie when I listen to it... It paints strong images in my head.
9. Jungle | Busy Earnin’
This is new for me, I only heard it when it was released. I listened to it about 10 times in a row after my first listen. It's powerful and inspiring, and completely relevant.
10. Dornik | Something About You
Michael?? Is that you? … The modern day Jackson. Don’t know much about Dornik but this track was one of my favourites from 2013.

1. Jamiroquai | You Give Me Something
This track has one of the sexiest bass lines of all time. The string bridge is sweet-sweet mango! As usual, Jay Kay’s vocals are just top notch!
2. The Mars Volta | Televators
I really looked up to The Mars Volta growing up. They’re a band that’s never afraid to dive deep into the unknown and pull out something unheard of. There’s a ghostly vibe to what they do sonically. A dark moon shines brightly on this track and it still haunts me to this day – in a good way.
3. Tame Impala | Alter Ego
The dissonance in Kevin’s sound is powerful. The Music is sparse, colourful and gives you time and space to think and/or feel. I still have Inner Speaker and Lonerism on repeat. As a songwriter he’s nailed it.
4. N*E*R*D | Waiting For You
I’ve run out of adjectives for N*E*R*D/The Neptunes/Pharrell Williams. As producers they’re legends and, if I ever had to choose a role model, Skateboard P would be right up there.
I love the cinematic sound they employ. If we could remember the first time we looked into our mother’s eyes as babies and felt joy this song would come pretty close to describing it. The lyrical expression of Love to Pharrell's mother at the end gets me every time MAMA! I LOVE YOU!!!...
5. Q-Tip | Life Is Better (feat. Norah Jones)
The homage to all the MC’s in the rapping section just blew my mind. I love how Tip displays the musical affection he has for the people that left such an impression on him. Which is a real stark contrast in comparison to some of the Hip-Hop out there, which usually has a strong braggadocio nature.

6. Kendrick Lamar | A.D.H.D
UH-UH... FUCK DUT!... A lot of us (myself included) are not conscious of what we’re putting into our bodies while we’re out partying. Drugs and alcohol are intrinsic to the action of letting go and trying to forget about the stresses you feel in everyday life. This track has honest observations on the lengths people go to have a good time. The way in which Kendrick delivers his message is not so much a judgement but more an accurate narrative.
7. MGMT | Future Reflections
I’ve always been fascinated with Human endurance in a post-apocalyptic world. The end of Civilization as WE know it would leave no reference - we could start again. What a way to end an almost perfect album.
8. Bob Marley & The Wailers | I Shot The Sheriff
A modern day ticket to see Bob Marley live in concert would be priceless. This song proves why. You can’t deny that bassline, it’s on its own melodic journey but still sits perfectly within the whole mix.
9. Maxi Priest | Close To You
The story of yearning for someone that’s not good for you is timeless. This song was released the year I was born and my parents would still play it throughout all of my childhood. When Mum and Dad put on Music you knew they were in a good mood and that always made me feel happy.
10. Modest Mouse | Ocean Breathes Salty
I love Nature – plain and simple. Day by day the World and the Life in it keeps me in awe. Water to me = Emotion. The Ocean fascinates me and I love using it as an analogy for the vast emotion that’s in the World. Whenever I'm seaside this song will be the first that comes into my head.