From what you will see with my top ten are the artists that took me by soul and gave me the courage to finally start making Music. While in school I would think about it all the time. But when you have a list of deadlines you have to make, you get pissed inside 'cause you don't have time to do what you want and grumble along with your school work.
1. Vanilla | Suede
Goodness, Vanilla. Vanilla changed my life, but he really just pointed my head in the most perfect direction. I found him though Juicy's Sunrise Blend series. He was my favorite artist on both. And the fact that he messes with Keats//Collective makes me very happy. And how I was on K//C Vol. 4 with him is like a completed life goal. He is up there for me. I know he is somewhere in Europe, but if I could collab with this guy I would have a heart attack.
2. Glam Shell | Soul Mates
From what I know of, Glam Shell is West Coast and two summers ago all his tunes I could get ahold of was on my iPod. Great to dance to, drive to, run to. Besides Southern Hip Hop, Glam Shell was the light forefront of what's to come: Trap Music. [113 plays].
3. Imprintafter | Chinchilla
Along with Glam Shell, there was Imprintafter. A glorious YouTube find couple years ago. I was also on my addictive thrill of Toro Y Moi around the same time and commented on a video of his wondering if he too was a big Toro fan hence calling himself Imprintafter. Sure enough he was, we chatted a little, his sound was EXACTLY want I longed for. This guy might be THE soul purpose of tuuwa. Fun Fact: He was my first Soundcloud follower and I am still his biggest fan. Don't care what you say, I am. This track is my #1 most played track, [158 plays].
4. Toro Y Moi | Sweet
It's only right his guy is on my list, and this song is forever to me. Came across Toro Y Moi through Tumblr a couple years ago and he hasn't stopped playing since. His sound hits my heart perfectly and pulls my stings. I am noting but confidence on the dance floor with tToro. My first song I found of his was his remix of Neon Indian's Dead Beat Summer. It's outstanding. I am lucky enough to catch his set at Lollapalooza and dance to his after party at the Beauty Bar in Chicago. The people there were so nice, I ran into Star Slinger, and danced my ass off on a dance floor full of foxy women. It was a great day.
5. HOME | Execution Core
HOME fills my dancy/synthy void. I met him through Midwest Collective, I don't even remember who it was that invited him to be apart of MWC, but I'm soooooo happy they did. I really should be jocking this guy's tunes more in live sets. Don't know why I wasn't before. HOME is a super nice dude and I can see him going a long way with his Music. Keep an eye and an hear open for him.
6. Nite Jewel | Let's Go (The Two Of Us Together)
-blushes-...Throw it back to about 2010, into classic Toro Y Moi, We Are Trees, The Drums, Small Leaks Sink Ships, Oberhofer, Maps & Atlases, really every one off Sargent House etc., etc.... I was into more live instruments and bands and I would always catch myself getting stuck on Nite Jewel. Her tracks are always so solid, and that sweet sweet voice on top of everything, UNF! I was melting so hard during her Boiler Room set.

7. toe | Tsunagaru Haruka Kanata
This is another forever song to me, really a forever band. As a percussionist, Kashikura Takashi is the best drummer ever. He has influenced me so much. Maybe what he has taught me will come in handy when I finally form a Math Rock band, haha. Me and one of my best friends would country cruise and listen to toe, Pele, The Mercury Program, as well as a handful of local bands from our area like MANS., Native, American Football. It goes one.
8. Madlib | Stepping Into Tomorrow
I found Madlib back in the day of MySpace. I would look everyday for those fake accounts that upload Music by artists for free. I find it kinda weird that Madlib was my first go to for Hip Hop, when my best friend was into Dilla and Pete Rock. Madlib has heavily influenced me. Production, Life, Everything. He is seriously a wizard. I know so much more tasteful Music from finding out what he was sampling.
9. Lloyd | Feels So Right
R&B is probably what made me interested in Hip Hop right around Jr. High. As a sheltered country boy, I would go to school dances and hear new Music. My favorite being R'n'B. It would let me slow dance with girls and they loved the Music and if they love it, I'm having a good time. Thank you, Usher for my first booty touch, breaking my boundaries on talking to upclass girls and my first boner. This love for R'n'B as stuck. I really like this Lloyd song 'cause it's the definition of R'n'B to me. I love playing this tune at shows, and I love transposing it down one when the beat comes in, makes it more sensual and serious. It's so hot.
10. AFTA-1 | Gaze
Here is another Platinum YouTube find. First of many. I guess he is a part of Soulection, but doesn't get the attention he deserves. I was listening to him years before I even knew what Soulection was. I think he is one of the best from that group. Probably influenced a majority of them, but others are getting all the light. If you like beats, uplifting beats, none the less AFTA-1 is the man. I can't thank him enough.
Runner ups:
+11. Jai Paul | Crush (Jennifer Paige Cover) +12. SebastiAn | Arabest
+13. Bear//Face | Bruh Bruh
+14. Sango | Baila (San Juan Trap)
+15. Foner | September
+16. SAINT PEPSI | Have Faith
+17. G-Head | Voyage
+18. Betamaxx | Disaronno Brain Feed
+19. Onra | Keep On Loving Me (The Whispers' 'Keep On Loving Me' Edit)