WARMER MIXTAPES #1180 | by Julien Maurice Moore [Maurice Moore]
1. Tank | Who Dat
+ Coldest... I always go to Tank when I need somebody to challenge myself vocally. I personally feel that there is no artist that has been able to perform the way Tank has consistently performed throughout his career. Who Dat came to me in a time where I had really started to develop my abilities as a singer. This song is straight up genius on so many levels... I can't even begin to explain how inspiring this song is, especially for my fellow musicians.
2. Chris Brown | Life Itself (feat. Kevin McCall)
+ Yo (Excuse Me Miss)... Chris Brown has always been one of my biggest musical influences. I can't remember a time where Chris Brown wasn't the number one most played artist on my iTunes. Though his image has gone through a billion different stages, I will never forget the way that his Music changed my life and moulded myself as an artist. The songs really speak for themselves and if it wasn't for Breezy, I don't think I would've ever become the singer, writer and creative innovator that I am (and building upon) today.
3. Tyrese | Sweet Lady
C'mon... Really?
4. James Fauntleroy | Nameless/Children of the Love/Higher Self
These records both encompass some of my biggest spiritual beliefs in the most beautifully creative manner. I don't know any writer besides Fauntleroy who can combine harmony, Lyric, vocal performanceand impeccable arrangement in an abstract format whilst being commercially appealing. ‘Nameless’ always felt like a Shania Twain record to me; and please don't get me into quoting lyrics because I will be here forever, literally every phrase out of his mouth could be quoted on it's own. Fauntleroy is one of my biggest influences period.
5. Elijah Blake | Running Blind
Any current songwriter that doesn't have some Elijah in their musical archive is not a songwriter at all. Running Blind came to me in a time where I was flustered with writer's block as a result of my emotionally stressful relationship at the time. Elijah is definitely one of my dream collaborations and he has challenged me to do things with the pen that break down the barriers of Music and touch the hearts of every listener.

6. Brandy | Put That On Everything
What kind of R&B singer would I be if I didn't have a little Brandy in my top favorites? This song speaks for itself, don't ask - just listen.
7. Shania Twain | Forever And For Always
My mom used to play this to me as a kid growing up. It was one of the first songs that actually got me into singing. Shania Twain has always been one of the most inspirational artists for me. I remember vividly singing the song around the house nearly in tears because of how incredibly beautiful the lyrics and composition were.
8. Ben Taylor | I Try (Macy Gray Cover)
The memories that flood back into my conscience when hearing this song are so vivid. This song is the most blunt yet beautifully written depiction of nearly an exact feeling and thought pattern I had when I was with this girl a while back. Definitely a song to look back and reminisce on some amazing moments with.
9. J Cole | Too Deep For The Intro
Most of my fans actually don't know that I started out rapping before I became a singer. When this record came out I was a heavy Hip-Hop head. Cole spoke to me ways that most rappers at the time couldn't. He wasn't trying too hard to be gangster or portray an image that was only semi-relatable with all of the typical money, cars, and clothes talk. Cole was speaking to my life exactly how it was at the time and nobody else did that for me. Even to this day, the lyrics of this song bring me back to the 9th grade with the same impact and emotion that it had back then.
10. 2Pac | Picture Me Rollin' (feat. C.P.O., Danny Boy and Mussolini)
Pac was one of my biggest influences growing up. I remember this song filling my heart up with emotion especially realizing that I would never have a chance to meet this iconic activist, creator and beautiful person. I can still recite this record word for word to this date.