WARMER MIXTAPES #1189 | by Denai Moore
1. Everything Everything | Radiant
This is my absolute jam! I could have easily put the whole tracklist from their second album Arc. I've been an Everything Everything fan since their debut album, I just remembered being really intrigued by their sound. Jonathan's melodies are ridiculous and so inventive! I think they're quite the revelation. It's such a banger of a song.
2. Villagers | Nothing Arrived
Until 2013 I've never actually heard of the Villagers, but I had noticed that all my favourite Music blogs were talking about their new album Awayland and it was when my friend said that Nothing Arrived is one of the best songs of the year so far, I had to give the song a listen. It's a stunning song, musically it reminds me a lot of Arcade Fire, so that probably has a lot to do with why I love it so much. Lyrically it's amazing, it's one of the best lyrics I've heard in a while. I think the sentiment of the song is so relatable, so I connect with the meaning a whole lot!
3. Matt Corby | Untitled
Matt Corby has one of the best voices I've ever heard a man have, the things he can do with his voice is insane, I'm pretty sure it has a life of its own. Matt is really good at writing these slow Bluesy/Soulful kind of songs, and in this songs he slays it. The vocal is so moving and there's so much Emotion that really hits you when you listen to it. It can make the manliest man cry! The guitar and vocals remind me of the late Jeff Buckley who I understand Matt is a massive fan of, as he has covered his song So Real.
4. A$AP Rocky | Long Live A$AP
When this song first came out I had it on repeat for hours! I love A$AP, his debut album is really impressive. I know he had a mixtape before this album, but I never managed to listen to anything besides his tracks Goldie and Peso.
5. City And Colour | O'Sister
I've always heard of City And Colour but I had never bothered to check out any of their Music! So over Christmas I decided to buy songs of their albums and this is my favourite song from them. This song is beautiful, the vocal performance is haunting and emotional. I really like how stripped back the arrangement is in this song, quite a few of the songs on this album have a full band. This track is just guitar, vocals and a lead guitar part in the middle 8. It's perfect for a rainy afternoon.

6. Foals | My Number
I've been obsessed with Foals since first hearing their album Total Life Forever, which is of my favourite albums now. I've been dying for them to bring out new Music and from hearing their first single Inhaler from the new album I got really excited for what I knew will be a great album. My Number is probably their most cathcy track yet, it's so infectious. I dance in my bedroom to this one.
7. Justin Timberlake | Suit & Tie (feat. JAY Z)
What can I say? I think we've all been waiting for a JT comeback! At first I wasn't too in Love with the track, but the second listen I fell for it! I love it, it's such a tune, and JAY Z features on it too, so how can you not like it? This song is on my Tumblr profile, which says it all.
8. Jeff Buckley | We All Fall In Love Sometimes (Elton John Cover)
I always seem to forget how amazing Jeff Buckley was. Grace is one of my favourite albums of all time. I found this song on YouTube after checking out the cover Miley Cyrus did of Lilac Wine, which is better decent. It just put me into a trance. He is amazing at covering songs and making them his own, or even better than the original, which is proven with Hallelujah and Mama, You've Been on My Mind. I love how stripped back the song is, I think it's so moving when someone can make such a massive impact with just guitar and vocals!
9. Kodaline | All I Want
In the last few months I've absolutely rinsed this song, I'm pretty sure everyone in my house hates me for singing it all the time. It's a Love song and the Music Video is guaranteed to get to your heart. The lead singer's voice is great. I'm also a massive fan of big harmonies and for a lot of the song there are 2 part/3 part harmonies which probably has a lot to do with why I love this song so much.
10. Bombay Bicycle Club | Dust On The Ground
Bombay are one of the favourite British bands. I always find myself returning to this song, it's my favourite Bombay Bicycle Club song. I recently learned the song on guitar when I was meant to be revising for my exams. The lyrics are great, I'd love to cover this one day, or even a different song from them.