WARMER MIXTAPES #1205 | by Edward Perry [The Boy I Used To Be] of Golden Hairs and Hannah & Her Sisters
1. Paul McCartney & Wings | Jet
I picked this song, because why not? When someone like Paul McCartney seems to be so generally loved in a way (the fact he appears at every big bash the UK decides to throw dictates that someone likes him, I believe), it's reassuring that he actually did something since The Beatles that I can enjoy and take as my own. Wings are bloody great, the Band On The Run album especially, and Jet has all the elements I enjoy about Wings.
2. Teenage Fanclub | Everything Flows
There are a few bands my Dad turned me onto at an early age knowing I wouldn't fully appreciate them until I was older but they would play a part in my life. No-one else in my family is Musical beyond enjoyment of it, but he was quite adamant in playing me certain things, even just once. There was The Cure, The Smiths, Prefab Sprout, The Jam, Manic Street Preachers and probably the coolest is Teenage Fanclub (thanks, Dad). Norman Blake is an underrated songwriter and whilst songs like The Concept are more popular and maybe even better, I always want to shout every word of Everything Flows at the top of my lungs and THAT SOLO, amazing.
3. Pavement | Gold Soundz
Where Teenage Fanclub was something passed to me, Pavement were the first real true Alternative band I happened to find myself. With Pavement, despite what I reckon they'd want, there was more than just the songs to buy into, but an aesthetic. When I first started making Music, it was unintentionally Lo-Fi, without knowing what Lo-Fi even was, I just couldn't afford anything but a 4-Track and Audacity to record songs. With Pavement I learnt there was an alternative aesthetic that meant I didn't ever have to bend to fit in with any rules. I now record with better means, but I still make Music in the way I want it to be. And Gold Soundz is an awesome song.
4. Nirvana | Heart-Shaped Box
I think everyone who was of a certain age when Nirvana were massive and almost all of us since have had a Nirvana phase and mine has never stopped. I bought Nevermind when I was probably 12 and it was scary. I didn't know anything beyond Smells Like Teen Spirit and this angry and Noisy Music just hit me, even the cover kinda freaked me out. I was so excited I delved into everything and Heart-Shaped Box has always remained my favourite song. We all need something to thrash out to and this song is it.
5. Kurt Vile | Baby's Arms
When you're a solo dude for a long time, you begin to feel an affinity with other awesome solo guys. When I heard Baby's Arms, I knew Kurt was going to be special in my life. He has delicate songs like this and then rocks out with songs like Hunchback. He is one of the inspirations, along with Beck, Mac DeMarco and Unknown Mortal Orchestra, that made me realise I could do anything I wanted to musically and could still be a solo guy, yet bring in trusted people to work with, like I do with Max Jones under The Boy I Used To Be now. I went to see Kurt Vile on my 21st birthday and I couldn't have spent it with a nicer bloke or more wonderful Music.

6. Tame Impala | Runway, Houses, City, Clouds
I happened to come across Tame Impala by chance at Glastonbury 2011 on the Pyramid Stage and I was blown away. At the time I wasn't digging the Psych riffs and trippy nature of what was being created at the time, but they turned my head to another way of doing things. I became obsessed and ever since, there has not been a week go by that I haven't listened to them. I could have chosen any song, but this has so many different elements of Tame Impala within it that I love them for, it just makes sense. When I saw them at Glastonbury last summer, it felt like I made a pilgrimage to see them and they felt like it was a watershed moment for the band considering the huge crowd in juxtaposition to 2011, and a handful of us being there. They are one band that me and friends feel like is ours.
7. Lightspeed Champion | One Day Record 2
When I was 15, I heard Dev Hynes' I Wrote and Recorded This Album In Less Than Five Hours and it changed my life. I truly believed that if someone could make something so awesome in that amount of time, I could spend five years to create something I would be proud of. Six years later and I think I am close, aha. But the day I heard the album, I went out and bought my first guitar, a cheap Acoustic that would barely play. Dev was the reason I finally picked up a guitar. I got to support him on the last Lightspeed Champion tour at my local venue, The Wedgewood Rooms in Portsmouth, and it was so special to support and hang with one of my heroes. I did the awful thing where you tell them that they are your hero, but he was totally cool with it. I love you, Dev.
8. Joey Fourr | Born Slippery
Joey used to be in one of my other all time favourite bands Tubelord. The only time I got to see them play was at Southsea Fest at The One Eyed Dog, which is a pub I couldn't get into as a 17 year old. I was playing the festival, so I had a gold artist pass and the stage was running late and Tubelord were just setting up, so when the bouncer asked for my I.D., I politely told him I was in the band setting up and they were waiting for me. I made my pact with the V.I.P. Pass God to get me into that show and it was as amazing as you would imagine illegally going into your first pub to see your favourite band would be. When I was in a band called Golden Hairs, we made friends with Joey and only recently did I hear Born Slippery, and I played it on repeat around 20 times. It said everything I wanted to think and say about one girl and meant I never had to, so thanks, Joey.
9. Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros | Home
This song has the first love story behind it. We fell in Love, this song soundtracked it and now I don't listen to the song, but I will always love the song and what it stands for. If the song wasn't made with such genuine Love, it would be cheesy, but it's not and it's amazing.
10. Foals | Spanish Sahara
As a Guitar Music loving teen of a certain age, I have seen Foals live quite a few times, and every single time I have cried during Spanish Sahara. The song does something untold to me and I don't know what it is, but there is something about the song, the atmosphere it creates and how amazing they are live that joins together and creates water droplets from my eyes.