WARMER MIXTAPES #1220 | by Marcus Sadler [It Takes Two To Tango/Space Jump Salute]
1. Rozzer | Monster Dub
This track I found by complete accident, it was created by a small artist from the UK named Rozzer. It was created by taking samples from other songs such as Mack The Knife by Louis Armstrong and then having original material and drum beats played over the top. It's one of those songs that just chills me out and cheers me up when ever I hear it.
2. Pogo | Upular
This track is just amazing in so many different ways. It was created by Pogo who takes sounds and scores from films and then turns them into songs. This one is from the Pixar film Up, with the film already having one of my favourite films scores the amount of Creativity that was needed to make it into this song is just amazing and again I just love to sit and listen to it.
3. Kingston | Round We Go
This is another track I found on YouTube by complete mistake. Created by a band based in New Zealand, it is so catchy and uplifting and just an amazing track in its self. When ever someone new comes over to my place I show them to help spread the word, so go check it out!
4. Michael Giacchino | Married Life (Up Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
This song is from the Pixar movie Up and is just an amazing piece of Composition. Having previously composed Music for films and adverts myself, I understand and respect the amount of work and thought that went into this song. Conveying the emotions of the characters with out one word of dialogue, just amazing.
5. deadmau5 | Some Chords
This song for me is just the best way to start off an album. The build is just epic and just keeps building to a very satisfying conclusion. I hope one day to make an intro track to an album as epic as this one!

6. Alex Winston | Velvet Elvis
This song is just amazing, the amount of Emotion that is through the whole track is just amazing. After hearing this track on a TV advert I just had to find it and buy it. For me it's just one of those songs you can just loose yourself in, I would love to think I could make a song this amazing one day!
7. Vangelis | La Petite Fille De La Mer (L'Apocalypse Des Animaux Original Soundtrack)
Just an amazing creating of Sound and Atmosphere. This song is just one of those tracks that I find can help you go inside your head and have a deep think about a situation of problem you have. However, you can still just sit and listen to the amazing level of Composition.

8. Enter Shikari | Arguing With Thermometers
This band is the reason I got into Electronic Music, with a history of Metal bands under my belt, this band were a big influence. However, with their edition of Electronic synths, this opened the world of synths and Production to me. This song, however, is just so full and getting you going and being a close friend with the amazing producer of this album just makes this track even better.
9. Oli Slack | Maple High
Another example of an amazing track created by a small artist who deserves to be bigger than he is. This track was created by a mate of mine and it is just amazing! Just an array of amazing sounds and emotions that go into this track. I don't know anyone who can make Music like Oli and he needs to be bigger.
10. Kill The Noise & Feed Me | Thumbs Up (For Rock N' Roll)
Two of my favourite producers working together on a track, just perfection. This is such a great track when you've had a few drinks with your mates at a gig and you just want to let loose and go crazy, moshing your head off. Just balls to the wall fun and groove!