WARMER MIXTAPES #1275 | by Christopher Hoffmann Jacob [Ohsaurus/ETERNITY • TREE]
1. Bruce Hornsby & The Range | Look Out Any Window
This song is the ultimate Americana experience. When I don't know what I want to listen to, this record always gets thrown on. A very talented group with some excellent songs!
2. Atmosphere | Modern Man's Hustle
Atmosphere was an early exposure of Hip Hop for me. The God Loves Ugly album was particularly important to me, especially lyrically fitting for that time in my life. Some really great Music.
3. Belle And Sebastian | Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying
An all-time favorite band of mine, the Scott masters of Pop B&S. This track in particular invokes an intense nostalgic joy for me.

4. Charizma & Peanut Butter Wolf | Fair Weathered Friend
Great raps and raw beats; PB Wolf is at this point a young producer working with lyrical genius Charizma. Unfortunately this is the full extent of their catalogue together due to Charizma tragically losing his life in a mugging in 1993.
5. !!! | Yadnus
One of my favorite bands, !!! broke the mold for me in terms of genres, they showed me that you could make whatever kind of Music you want as long as it is good. This album is a hypnotic mix of Dance, Funk, Punk and Pop. Bizarre, addicting, and pretty much flawless. Any track off the album Myth Takes could have taken this spot, however I feel like this track is often over looked!
6. Woolfy Vs Projections | Absynth
This entire album is a brilliant accomplishment. There isn't a track that I don't love, and I can always spin this from top to bottom without skipping a beat. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LISTEN. This track in particular has a haunting vibe to it, floating here and there...

7. Squarepusher | Tundra
I could use this guy's whole catalog as a talking point, such a large influence on my Music! Amazingly talented composer with a great ear. If I ever need some sonic inspiration Squarepusher is a great refresher.
8. Scuba | Tulips
Some of the best Techno I have heard recently. Beautiful melodies mixed with infections rhythms. This album has become a classic for me.
9. Porteur | Clothespin
Fantastic Music. I couldn't recommend the album (LKBK) enough. My cassette copy rarely leaves my tape deck. Fantastic Music.
10. The (International) Noise Conspiracy | Capitalism Stole My Virginity
Always gotta include this one; I grew up on Punk Rock, T(I)NC was one of my favorite bands. Perfectly fusing Old-School sounds with New-School ideas. They were very political and intense, very influential on my young mind! I still love this band and all the music they made, nothing will ever come close...