1. Jibóia | Kali Yuga
It might sound a little bit weird to show a track of an artist I produced, but the truth is that I'm still in love with this hypnotic Arabian track even after having to listen to it 8493848348 times while on the process of recording it. Jibóia is an amazing Portuguese artist and is pairing with a Portuguese singer - Sequin - for this track. It makes you want to own a camel and eat curry and kebab.
2. The Specials | Ghost Town
Probably one of my favourite songs ever. It's a remarkable Pop track, but it's really far from being generic. The best thing is that The Specials had this Sicilian kind of melodies that would fit perfectly in a Jamaican version of The Godfather.
3. Cream | Dance The Night Away
I know the Cream's album Disraeli Gears for a long time now, but it was just a few years ago that I got addicted to it. This is my favourite track. It has an amazing vocal work, with really smooth harmonies. The kind of toying with vocals that Queens Of The Stone Age use a lot. Top.
4. Sonic Youth & Cypress Hill | I Love You Mary Jane (Judgment Night Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Taken off the movie Judgment Night's so 90's amazing soundtrack, Sonic Youth and Cypress Hill composed a monument about ganja. It's so laid-back and smooth that you can even listen to the smoke burning. Outside of Jamaica, this is what Weed-Music should sound like.
5. Sensible Soccers | AFG
Amazing track by this recent Portuguese band. This is my kind of trippy sounds. Full of melody and subtle transitions. An eternal build up that you want to listen to again and again.

6. DJ Koze | Magical Boy (feat. Matthew Dear)
I really envy DJ Koze productions skills and idiosyncrasies. He's so unpredictable even when doing 4x4 tempo songs. And this one has the bonus of having another boss, Matthew Dear, as a guest.
7. Lifelike & Kris Menace | Discopolis
One of the tracks that defined some key aspects of what would be called Nu Disco a few years after. Strong melody, a mood that can work as Chillish-Out Music, but that can also move a dancefloor at peak hour time. I would love to have written this track.
8. Moullinex | Flora
A track that pretty much defines the whole value of Moullinex as a composer and producer. A Masterpiece with a capital M. There's no one like him, such an unique sound and way of constructing chord progressions.
9. Man Or Astro-Man? | Evil Plans Of Planet Spectra
A band that re-defined Surf Music in the 90's. They picked all the clichés of the aesthetics of Dick Dale, The Tornados, The Ventures and gave them a whole new life, with great Comedy moments and infinite Sci-Fi elements thrown around. They even made a song that was only an old printer printing some weird text, and they would play it live on stage.
10. 7 Seconds | Young 'Til I Die
A song that pretty much can define Punk Rock: Simple, easy to play with straight to point lyrics, heavy sing along chorus, and a super rough recording. This is Music done by kids that should be listened by adults once in a while so they can remember that keeping all the positive things of their youth in their lives will make them better persons.