WARMER MIXTAPES #1326 | by George Holman [Peacock Affect] of Molly The Odd
1. The Smiths | Asleep
I like Asleep because it’s just beautiful, really... I love the lyrics about Another World because sometimes I really can’t help but to believe in something Spiritual, my life can be so disappointing at times, so I always come back to this song when I feel down. I love the wind too, it’s just perfect. I heard that when it was recorded it was done on the same day as Bigmouth Strikes Again, and that everything just went smoothly in the studio. I just think it’s an amazing song.
2. Elliott Smith | Miss Misery (Good Will Hunting Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
This influenced Who Cares If You Exist quite a lot; I was playing that song over and over when I wrote it. I don’t want to go into details too much about why the lyrics are so personal because it’s kind of private, but it’s about Elliott’s drugs/alcohol addiction, and the lyrics mention not having anything to do all day, I know that feeling all too well.
3. Badly Drawn Boy | Something To Talk About (About A Boy Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I’ve been listening to Something To Talk About for years now, I’m absolutely in love with About A Boy, which this song is the soundtrack for. It’s just a really decent Pop song I suppose. The lyrics don’t really speak to me as much as the other songs I have mentioned, but it’s beautiful nonetheless.
4. Jon Brion | Phone Call (Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
I remember listening to this song on my phone whilst going for a walk with my Mum next to the Sea, in the dark. I remember that a lot when I hear it, and, of course, the movie is fantastic, so I think about that.
5. Arcade Fire | The Suburbs
I don’t know what to say about The Suburbs. I talk about childhood a lot, so I think about that a lot. I didn’t really have a great childhood, but there where plenty of good bits, where I’m riding around on my bike, so I think about that a bit.

6. Kitten | Kill The Light
It's just a good song, there’s nothing I can really say that can’t be said by just pressing the play button.
7. Radiohead | No Surprises
No Suprises has always reminded me of Winter and December time, it almost sounds like a Christmas song to me because of the jangly glockenspiel sound. I love the lyrics I’ll take the quiet life and a hand shake of Carbon Monoxide. It’s Melancholy at its best. I always sometimes feel like there are no alarms and no surprises in my life anymore.
8. Paul Weller | Broken Stones
Paul Weller’s Broken Stones reminds me of my Dad and him playing Paul Weller records in the car on sunny days.
9. The Isley Brothers | Summer Breeze (Seals & Crofts Cover)
Same as Broken Stones.
10. Pixies | Monkey Gone To Heaven
The Pixies track doesn’t need an explanation, it’s just Art in Music form, it’s a bit like asking me to write about one of my illustrations, there’s nothing there to say that the picture doesn’t already say.