1. Stereolab | Fluorescences
I love this song so much. It's one of my favorite Stereolab songs. I never get tired of listening to their songs. When I think about this song, I think about playing video games and listening to this song on repeat in a large social setting.
2. Pavement | Grounded
One of my favorite Pavement songs, and I'm sure a favorite to a lot of others. I don't have a whole lot to say about it. It's an extremely relaxed song, and really simple, but I find myself listening to it all the time.
3. The Strokes | Is This It
This is an amazing song. I can't think of a better feeling than listening to this in a car with my friends waiting for the bassline to come in and everyone mimicking it as it drops. I normally can't stand when people feel the need to prove something about knowing a lyric or part to a song for some reason, but I feel like in this case it's completely justified. What an awesome song.
4. Women | Black Rice
Women were a band from Calgary, Alberta, very close to my hometown of Edmonton, Alberta. I remember the first time I heard this song, my friend Michael Rault had just gotten their record, and he played this song for me. I was completely blown away knowing that this Music came out of Alberta and there was nothing like it. I remember the Music scene around at the time was different. Brit Rock resurgence stuff and Dance Music were a huge thing at the time for me, and this was so insanely awesome and different from it. One of the best bands to come out of Canada.
5. Sloan | C'mon C'mon (We're Gonna Get It Started)
I recently started listening to Sloan a lot again. When I was about 17 I was really into them and completely forgot what an awesome band they are. This song is so great. It's so insanely Poppy like a Beatles song. I love the production and everything about this song.

6. The Smashing Pumpkins | Cherub Rock
I never listened to The Smashing Pumpkins until more recently. I always thought they were really annoying growing up. I've been getting into them lately and this song is so good. Billy Corgan is hard to get used to listening to. Whiney vocals over top of shoegazey stuff, but it works really well.
7. The Beatles | Blue Jay Way
Really crazy song, my friend Jon Lent turned me on to this one. Kind of a Beatles song that fell under the radar. I have great memories about Jon telling me about the use of Leslie speaker on this and us trying to record songs in his parents garage using Leslie speaker trying to copy it. So many songs that George Harrison did in The Beatles are so amazing.
8. Atlas Sound | Shelia
This is a perfect Pop song. I am a huge fan of Atlas Sound/Deerhunter and this song has always been a huge favorite of mine. I love Bradford Cox's voice so much. Huge fan.
9. Broadcast | Before We Begin
Broadcast is a really cool band, I feel like I could write an entire essay on why they are so great. I have a strange affinity for female vocals in this style. Give me a Stereolab or Broadcast song any day and I'm happy.
10. My Bloody Valentine | You Made Me Realise
This song is really great.