WARMER MIXTAPES #1474 | by Jonathan George Frederick Lawless [Swim Good/Jon Lawless] of First Rate People
1. Merival | Mama, You
I BAWLED my eyes out when I first heard this. Maybe the most pure, honest song she's ever written in a catalogue full of them.
2. Air France | GBG Belongs To Us (feat. ROOS)
The summer of 2009 I arrived back in my hometown after a failed Film School experiment. I remember falling in love with biking and old, familiar routes suddenly and strangely became more alive. This single and the whole No Way Down EP was almost exclusively my soundtrack. My heart was breaking and I was starting to find my true sense of purpose all at the same time. This led me to do crazy things like propose to the band I was in that we should make a full length record in a week. It's in moments like this that truly anything seems possible. I wish I was a better writer to fully capture this spirit, but I promise it's all there in Air France's Music. Just listen.
3. King Creosote & Jon Hopkins | Bats In The Attic
In 2011 I sent out an email to over 50 of my closest friends with the subject line SONG OF THE YEAR (note the all caps), I felt that strongly then and I'm even more convinced today.
4. Talib Kweli | Get By (Remix) (feat. Mos Def, Jay-Z, Kanye West & Busta Rhymes)
The pure joy and struggle contained in this song is infectious. Kanye's in the prime of his classic sound years here and everybody seems ridiculously inspired which is SUPER rare for a remix with so many features. We are not making songs no more, we're making history - no kidding.
5. Alex G | Harvey (with Emily Yacina)
I first stumbled on this via the lovely Italian blog Going Solo. To be completely honest, at first I only half listened. I'm someone who generally adores short songs, but, even for me, under two minutes seemed at first glance a little lazy, especially for a lead single. Oh, how wrong I was. After discovering it months later via Marc Hogan, I immediately fell head over heels. The songs. The story. Everything. I scoured the Internet for any and all press Alex Gianascoli ever received. This is the kind of devotion amazing artists like Alex inspire.

6. Stars | What The Snowman Learned About Love
Stars was one of the key bands my girlfriend (now fiancée) and I fell in love to. Their album Heart remains untouchable to this day---an emotional Pop masterpiece.
7. Badly Drawn Boy | The Shining (The Avalanches Good Word For The Weekend Remix)
I included this on a mix I made for my immediate family Christmas 2012. Everything felt beautifully fragile around then. I think I have a tendency to cater a bit to others' tastes when I make a mix. This song's inclusion was inherently a little selfish. I didn't care if anyone else liked it. Every little detail in this is perfect.
8. Ryan Hemsworth | Cream Soda (with Tomggg)
Ryan Hemsworth is a great example of what a modern producer can achieve. He's insanely melodic, rhythmic and understands juxtaposition I think better than anyone I can think of. His ability to find beauty in pretty much any genre is what sets him apart from the hoards of imitators.
9. Rhye | Open
Maybe the most romantic song of all time??? If not, then at LEAST Top 10. The strength of this song alone could sustain a career for decades. I remember meeting Milosh at a birthday party in Toronto years ago and he seemed really shy but sweet, exactly the personality that would eventually go on to write something this fragile and intimate and lovely. Ugggggh---if only we all could have a song this good written for us (rumour has it this song was written for his then-fiancée, now wife Alexa Nikolas).
10. Sufjan Stevens | Justice Delivers Its Death
Picking a favourite Sufjan song is next to impossible, but I love this one possibly most. I think Sufjan has maybe the most consistent discography of all time. When I first heard his voice, thanks to my friend Zachary Stockill, I distinctly remember not loving it. I bought the album Illinois anyway though and haven't looked back since. I think Sufjan is my generation's Paul Simon aka A COMPLETE AND UTTER GENIUS. That's how I explain the appeal to my parents anyway, haha.