WARMER MIXTAPES #1516 | by Valerio Cosi of Amber Lions, Julie's Haircut, Valerio Cosi/Enzo Franchini, Uton & Valerio Cosi, Valerio Cosi & Wilson Lee, Pulga, Bastion, Cold Solemn Rites In The Sun, Fabio Orsi & Valerio Cosi, Oriente Lux and Last Snow Burial
1. Liturgy | Reign Array
In 2015 I realized that The Ark Work came out and people started to have mixed feelings about it, I knew this usually happens when things are strongly original and good... VERY good. I've been deeply fascinated by this record. Their Music has been growing on me in the past few years. Hoping for more Black Metal stuff with fake horns and electronics in the Future.
2. Petit Singe | Tregua
Every song from Petit Singe is a beautiful and intriguing artifact for my ears, she has suddenly become one of my favorite Electronic producers of these recent years. It's hard to classify this Italian girl, but I'm tempted to say that she's somewhere in between Andy Stott, Demdike Stare and Muslimgauze with Bollywood in his mind instead of Zionism or Palestine. So, what's not to love?
3. Gaussian Curve | Impossible Island
Two chords on the Rhodes, an ultra-Minimal and Retro drum beat and guitar giving birth to a calm and soothing atmosphere that will set you in the right mood for the rest of your day. It's not Ambient, I think it's just beautiful Music with some nice cinematic quality. Gigi Masin is in there.
4. Arca | Sever
Arca at his best: enigmatic, austere and angular. The whole record is Pure Bliss.
5. Liturgy | Kel Valhaal
More Black Metal with fake horns. Sometimes I tend to think that their Music has lot of things to share with the musical content of my Plays Popol Vuh, I hope I'm not on the wrong lane.

6. Hannah Diamond | Hi
An absolutely brilliant Pop song, like most of the other PC Music stuff. I still don't know if A.G. Cook is behind the whole thing, but it's genius and refreshing Pop Music from start to finish.
7. Holden | Blackpool Late Eighties
Class and very good ideas and intuitions. One of the greats. Waiting for more stuff from him.
8. Flying Lotus | Coronus, The Terminator
Genius song, I especially love the ending here... Whole record is highly recommended.
9. easyFun | Laplander
Another amazing Pop production from the guys at PC Music. These people always make me smile.
10. Surgeon | Krautrock
Techno masterpiece from the UK master, I listen to this song quite often on my spare time. You'll always find in Surgeon that little touch of weird unsettling quality for his Techno journeys, which is something I'm definitely looking for in that specific Music genre.