WARMER MIXTAPES #1665 | by Jarvis Branson Cocker [Jarvis Cocker] of JARV IS... and Pulp

It’s very difficult to choose my 10 Favourite Tracks of All Time - so here is
my Top Ten of The Present Time (August 2019):

1. Bob Dylan | Isis
I hadn’t really heard this song until I watched the Rolling Thunder Revue film that came out recently. He performs it incredibly, the song’s narrative is compelling & his make-up is great.

2. Christophe | Rock Monsieur
The title is a bad joke (Croque Monsieur/Rock Monsieur), but this is a seriously good song. I have no idea what the lyrics mean, but that doesn’t matter really, does it?

3. Judy Henske | Let The Good Times Roll
The first time I heard this I thought it was a man singing. She’s got an unique voice. There’s a desperation to the performance that moves me every time: she REALLY wants the good times to roll...

4. Neil Young | Rockin' In The Free World
I saw Neil Young perform this song live recently. It went on for a very long time. The line about the kid who will never get to be cool brings a tear to my eye for some reason.

5. George McCrae | I Get Lifted 
This is a very sexy song. It’s so slow yet Funky. The only drawback is that it’s quite short - so you have to keep playing it over & over again.

6. The Human League | Love Action (I Believe In Love)
Sheffield’s finest with one of the best songs about falling in Love ever. Best line? I believe in Love though I lie a lot.

7. The Tymes | Are You Lookin'
This song goes on forever. The lyric We all live under the same cloud: if it rains on you, it rains on me... is an idea to live by.

8. Man 2 Man Meets Man Parrish | Male Stripper
This is one of my favourites to dance to.

9. Laid Back | Bakerman
I think Laid Back were Scandinavian. They also did a good song called White Horse. I don’t know why they wrote a song about baking, but it’s another one of my fave dance tracks.

10. Dead Fingers Talk | Storm The Reality Studios
Another good lyric: Some people want to fuck you up - some people they just want to fuck. This song was produced by Mick Ronson after he left David Bowie’s band.