This is the third official release by Warmer Climes music blog.
My tender experiment with help from some of the best Romanian Electronic Music producers out there.
It started, like all the splendid ideas on Warmer Climes, from the undescribable rage of feeling misunderstood in a World of ignorant fools, always dreaming of something else, alone with everybody.
Little Confusions - by the extraordinary Swedish composer Tobias Isaksson, former leadsinger of Irene & Laurel Music, Pop-for-Sweethearts bands, a splendid lyricist with an impressive history on the legendary, my very dear, Labrador Records - succeeded in expressing my urge to be heard and feel right in life.
The Importance Of Being Free. Little Confusions. Warmer Climes.
Freedom To Be Whatever You Want To Be, Power of Flying Higher Than The Clouds, Absoluteness, Always Searching, Always Above.
The Triumph Of A Heart That Gives All...
Little Confusions touched my inner smile.
Back in February 2011, when Tobias shared first demo of this miracle.
Rest of it... You can just hear it in this truly outstanding experimental collection, filled with tones of Freedom, reuniting one of Romania’s best brand-new musicians right now, some of them (Minus, Kapnobatai) helping me exactly an year after the reinvention I dreamt for Loredana’s always fantastic Rain Rain single.
I guess it’s time to turn all those Little Confusions in our lives into something WARMER, into LOVE. I pray that this remixes-album will beautifully change something in the way you think, in the way you feel and offer warmness to others in your life.
Stay Yellow. Stay Free. Merry Christmas and a shiny, healthy, warmer and wild 2012 to all of you!
Azure Blue - Rule Of Thirds, the miraculous solo full debut album by Tobias Isaksson, is out since November 23rd 2011, on Hybris Records and you can buy it here. Despite Warmer Confusions FREE COLLECTION, the single Little Confusions is happy to offer some other official treats (remixes) from Scandinavian artists that you will soon be able to enjoy online.
Copy, distribute, advertise, play.
Don't use this album for commercial purposes.
Give credit to the artist.
Don't alter, transform or build upon this album.
Music is power.
Vlad Stoian, Warmer Confusions (Little Confusions Remixes) curator
December 25th 2011
Azure Blue - Little Confusions
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Minus Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Res Es Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Hazy Memories Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Kapnobatai Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Heion Remix)
This is the third official release by Warmer Climes music blog.
My tender experiment with help from some of the best Romanian Electronic Music producers out there.
It started, like all the splendid ideas on Warmer Climes, from the undescribable rage of feeling misunderstood in a World of ignorant fools, always dreaming of something else, alone with everybody.
Little Confusions - by the extraordinary Swedish composer Tobias Isaksson, former leadsinger of Irene & Laurel Music, Pop-for-Sweethearts bands, a splendid lyricist with an impressive history on the legendary, my very dear, Labrador Records - succeeded in expressing my urge to be heard and feel right in life.
The Importance Of Being Free. Little Confusions. Warmer Climes.
Freedom To Be Whatever You Want To Be, Power of Flying Higher Than The Clouds, Absoluteness, Always Searching, Always Above.
The Triumph Of A Heart That Gives All...
Little Confusions touched my inner smile.
Back in February 2011, when Tobias shared first demo of this miracle.
Rest of it... You can just hear it in this truly outstanding experimental collection, filled with tones of Freedom, reuniting one of Romania’s best brand-new musicians right now, some of them (Minus, Kapnobatai) helping me exactly an year after the reinvention I dreamt for Loredana’s always fantastic Rain Rain single.
I guess it’s time to turn all those Little Confusions in our lives into something WARMER, into LOVE. I pray that this remixes-album will beautifully change something in the way you think, in the way you feel and offer warmness to others in your life.
Stay Yellow. Stay Free. Merry Christmas and a shiny, healthy, warmer and wild 2012 to all of you!
Azure Blue - Rule Of Thirds, the miraculous solo full debut album by Tobias Isaksson, is out since November 23rd 2011, on Hybris Records and you can buy it here. Despite Warmer Confusions FREE COLLECTION, the single Little Confusions is happy to offer some other official treats (remixes) from Scandinavian artists that you will soon be able to enjoy online.
Copy, distribute, advertise, play.
Don't use this album for commercial purposes.
Give credit to the artist.
Don't alter, transform or build upon this album.
Music is power.
Vlad Stoian, Warmer Confusions (Little Confusions Remixes) curator
December 25th 2011
Azure Blue - Little Confusions
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Minus Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Res Es Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Hazy Memories Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Kapnobatai Remix)
Azure Blue - Little Confusions (Heion Remix)