WARMER MIXTAPES #546 | by Aisha Devi Enz [Kate Wax]
1. And Also The Trees | Domed
That track resonates exactly 9 minutes in my body, after the last note has fallen. Music can stab you from behind, slowly.
2. Klaus Nomi | The Cold Song
Klaus Nomi is a Fritz Lang character, the golden burlesque in plus, he moves me. He was gay, had great balls of fire but he should have been a castrato.
3. Arthur Russell | Keeping Up
The beatnik cello and Pop Art Disco genius. I'm naive enough to think he guides me sometimes.
4. The Cure | Killing An Arab
All Cure is my Cure. I fantasized being Robert Smith. I had dark long hair, undisciplined in a iroquois. I had the red blood lipstick that melted a bit around the lips. I was singing wrong, it's a bit better, now. I love eternal echoes and flangered bass, still.
5. Coil | At The Heart Of It All
I hate Sundays, but Coil is there.

6. Gas | Königsforst
This is the best introspection Electronic Music ever. It's not beautiful. A breathe and a strangulation in the same time, suffocating.
7. Tricky | Five Days (feat. Cindy Lauper)
Just listen to it. Sex. The alchemy.
8. Front 242 | Geography I
Probably the band that gave me the taste for Industrial and Cold Wave. Their music always sounds unfinished to me, as a piece torn from a bigger pattern, as a synthetic concept. It's Post Constructivism Steel Music. It sounds like Tatlin's Monument To The Third International looks.
9. Grauzone | Eisbär
It's Swiss and a Neue Deutsche Welle Anthem.
10. Aphex Twin | Girl/Boy (NLS Mix)
I love this EP, everything in this record is maniac, just a dirty blanket you can't throw away, it's passionate.
+11. PJ Harvey | Rid Of Me
The tension Harvey/Albini gave birth to the most simple and raw song ever. Beauty in the naked.
+12. The Soft Moon | Into The Depths
The best new music I've heard recently, it's dark and lost, frontal and elusive, thick and fragile. It's running away, but you fall in its magnetism, unconditionally. I want to see them live, urgently.
+13. Tori Amos | Hey Jupiter
Boys For Pele is grandiose, symphonical and experimenting. I'm a Tori reactionist. I hate her with electronic gears, I want her gesticulating with organs and harpsichords, her body's extensions.
And I love her breast-feeding a pig.