WARMER MIXTAPES #550 | by Guy William of Regal Safari
1. Robert Görl | Mit Dir
It's a beautiful, meandering and Minimal Cold Wave song that truly acknowledges what Space really means in Music.
2. Walls | Il Tedesco
Anything on their new album could have made this list. You can really feel the Kraut influence and there's an impeccable sense of progression.
3. Neu! | Schöne Welle (Nice Wave)
This is the most enchanting piece of Music ever made. You glide into this warm effervescent Universe. Fluidity is an (unkept) secret in all good Music.
4. Zomby | Natalia's Song
My friend Alex told me to check out Zomby following him listening to our EP. I got the album and listened. Natalia's Song stood out a mile. The vocals are concise enough and they have their right place.
5. Gross Magic | P.Y.T
Glad this mixtape is imaginary because it'd be interesting mixing together Gross Magic and Zomby. Gross Magic and his live band are absolute bros and the EP is incredible.

6. Soft Metals | The Cold World Melts (VALIS Remix)
Ruthless and beautiful, it's a powerful song.
7. 18+ | Forgiven
Their new stuff is appalling but this is fantastic. Hardly ever give vocals much attention when listening to Music but these are just perfect.
8. Harmonia | Deluxe (Immer Wieder)
All of the songs mentioned above are ones that I adore but this is the only one on this list that I wish I wrote. I watched Hallogallo 2010 from the side of the stage at Hamburg's Dockville Festival in a near biblical rainstorm. As they played this song a huge cargo ship heading to the docks came by - it was one of the most incredible sights ever yet the soundtrack still trounced it. The song shows a lot of power coupled with a soft rhythmic textures that only can be pulled off by the most talented and enlightened composers and producers.
9. Food Pyramid | E-Harmony
If I went for early morning runs, I'd listen to this. It'd be like trying to run after a train that you know you couldn't possibly catch but if you could catch it you'd be taken to another planet. That keeps you running.
10. Gizeh | Never
Cold, glittery. Sounds like walking around Berlin alone with Sennheisers.