WARMER MIXTAPES #560 | by Christophe Hoeffel [Kris Menace/Love On Laserdisc/Menace] of Jaunt, Black Van and Stars On 33
1. Nightmares On Wax | Les Nuits (Quincy Jones' Summer In The City Cover)
The cover of Quincy Jones is one of my favorite tracks of all time. I love to listen to it in every situation. A close friend told me once, the perfect track is the one you can cry to, smile to, dance to and love to... I would say a great track needs to fit in all.
2. Lamb | Gabriel
The first time I heard this song I knew after the first few minutes that this will never leave my heart.
3. Bon Iver | For Emma
For Emma, Forever Ago... The whole album is one track for me. Just made by someone believing in what he's doing. Handmade and pure!
4. Leftfield | Swords
When the album came out, this was the track which was on rotation for almost a month... It was a special time for me so it stucked in my head and always gives me the feeling I had in that month.
5. Peter Frampton | Do You Feel Like We Do (Frampton Comes Alive! Live Version)
It's just all about the break... Maybe the best breakdown in history of Live Music & I love the talkbox!

6. Minnie Riperton | Les Fleur
The track always makes me happy. Such a beautiful production and buildup. It's like flying thru a field of flowers and butterflies... Well, at least if you take the right substances.
7. Marvin Gaye | Let's Get It On
If Sex would sound like Music, it's Let's Get It On!... Just feel the first 10 seconds and you already know what's goin' on.
8. Imagination | Just An Illusion
This might be one of the first tracks I ever listened to. My mum said I was dancing in her belly when my father droped the needle on. Maybe that's where my love for Disco comes from.
9. Michael Jackson | Thriller
The best produced track ever. The mixdown is pure Music itself.
10. Miles Davis | The Doo Bop Song
Just feel it! ...